Chapter 24 ----- The Alpha Queen

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I woke up in the same place, but the thing was that there was no one else in the room with me

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I woke up in the same place, but the thing was that there was no one else in the room with me. Including Blake.

I jumped up still in wolf form, ran to the doors and pulled them open as best as I could. Once I got out into the hallway I started sniffing around and found Blakes scent right away, he was downstairs somewhere.

"You are alright and up, good." A voice said behind me, which made me jump a little. It was Aaron. "Here you might need this." He handed me something purple, then opened the door across the hall. I nodded at him then walked in and pushed the door shut.

I shifted back and put on what he gave me. It was a medium length, light and a little bit fluffy, purple dress. Similar to the one I wore when I first met him. . .

I fixed up my hair then opened the door. He was standing across the hall, when I came out he gave me a flirtatious look.

"Woah. . . um. . . I- You just looked beautiful in the other one." He stuttered. "But the other one was too short." I rolled my eyes at that comment.

"Where is Blake?" I asked him.

"He is with The Alpha King."

"And where might he be."

"Uh. . . Follow me." He said then lead me down to where everyone was but brought me to the backstage door.

"Why is he here?" I asked as he knocked on the door twice then opened it.

"You'll have to talk to him." He simply said.

I walked over to where Blake was playing with big plastic trucks.

"Hey buddy."

"Mommy!" He squealed then jumped up on me.

"How are you doing?"

"Awesome! Mom look at these big trucks."

"Cool," I said with a smile.

"My dear, may I have a word with you?" A voice said as a hand was placed on my shoulder. When I turned around I saw that it was the Alpha King.

"Of course," I said then put Blake down.

"Your grandmother died two months back, leaving her crown to your mother. . . but she killed herself about three months before your grandmother died. So that leaves her crown to you." He told me.

"Wait. . . WHAT!" I yelled. "My mother was alive about five months ago and I thought she was dead for YEARS!!"

He nodded and I took a couple deep breaths.

"But wouldn't the crown go to my older brother?" I asked.

"Not exactly," he said. "The crown is to be passed to you since your brother needs to be the next beta."

"Oh. . ." I trailed off.

"So, my question is, will you take the throne?" He asked me.

I didn't know what to say, I was speechless. Keeping the peace and ruling over all other werewolves. This would be a huge responsibility, one that I could never keep up with.

"I-I. . . I can't. Blake and I. . . . we- I don't want him to be forced under so much pressure." I said. "I just want him, and I, to live a normal life."

"Well, you can't have a 'normal' life, because you are not a human." He said sternly. 

"Whatever, but you cannot make me do something I don't want to do. I will not take over. Ever."

"Then I will make your mate king, then you will have to obey his rules and laws."

"HA HA HA, funny. Watch me screw up your little plan then." I said and walked over to where Aaron was playing with Blake.

"Fay I-" He started.

"I Fay Leia West r-"

"Don't you dare!" The king boomed.

"This is between him and I!" I yelled back"Why don't you just make my brother king, or my little sister, oh wait, my father drove my mother to kill her and herself." He looked stunned. "That's right, she only ever told me. Then my father found out and went nuts."

He actually had tears welling up in his eyes. Everyone in the room had their eyes on me and me only.

"NO ONE knew, because of him." I pointed at my father. "And his great alpha covered it all up. They said it was an 'accident' how my mother got into the car crash.

"Fay-" Aaron started again.

NO. I'm not changing my mind, and with saying so: I Fay Leia West reject you Aaron Miller Grabba as my mate."

"No. . . . . " He cried an fell to the floor. Honestly, it really hurt, but I couldn't take it back.

I grabbed Blake and walked out, I was tired of running. So I simply walked slowly and calmly to the door that I came in from.

"Momma, why did that man start crying and then fall down," Blake asked me.

"I'll tell you when you are older honey, I promise." Was all I could say.


Welp that's it. . .

Hope you enjoyed

<3 FoxLover_1904

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