Chapter 22 ----- Another Werewolf

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It was Monday night and I was about to go to bed when I heard the doorbell

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It was Monday night and I was about to go to bed when I heard the doorbell. When I got to the door I was surprised to see Naomi crying. She is one of the strongest humans I've ever met, and I've never seen her cry.

"H-h-he lied to m-me......"

"Who?" I asked her confused.

"Mark, w-we were gonna go on a date...." she paused. "Then he c-called and said he found someone else who he loves more than anything else."

"Alright, stay here you probably need sleep anyway." 

"T-Thank you. " She sniffled and wiped a few tears away.

A couple minutes after Naomi when to sleep I texed Theo.

Hey, sry to bug you so late but, I need to know Marks adress>Fay


I'll explain later>Fay


He sent me the address and I ended up taking an Uber to Mark's house. He lived out in the middle of the woods, and his house was huge. I walked up the steps then banged on the door until he opened it.

"Fay, what are you do-"

"YOU BETTER HA-" I stopped, I don't know how I didn't even notice it before. "Shit..."

He is a freaking werewolf. I masked my sent as quickly as I could. I didn't know if he knew if I was a werewolf or not.

"Since when-" he sighed "Since when were you a werewolf?" I guess he didn't notice it before either. Since we are werewolves, we have a strong sensing system, I know that sound weird, so we know if others are werewolves too. If they mask their scent then we just wouldn't know.

"Well I'm pretty sure the only way to 'become' a werewolf is to be born one." I didn't know what else to say.

"Mark, who's at the door." A voice I knew all too well asked. It was Donna. I quickly shifted without thinking about my clothes and took off as fast as I could. The only thing I could think about was Donna, who I'm pretty sure is his mate.

Once I got home I texted Theo.

Hey..... the reason I needed his address was cuz he was gonna go out with Naomi but he blew her off and is now with someone else>Fay

Theo<so.... you kicked his ass???

I kinda backed out>Fay

Theo<You backing out????????????


I didn't know what to tell him. I didn't want to tell him the truth, I could never. . . .


The next morning Naomi took the day off and I understood why.


About an hour or so from the end of my shift, Mark came in with Theo, Mark sat down at a booth while Theo went to the restroom.

"What Hap-"

"Nothing!" I said. "So drop it."

"Well then... you know Donna I presume."

"She is the sister of an alpha, so obviously," I said while giving him a death glare. Theo came back and gave me a kiss on the cheek then sat down across from Mark.

"So what can I get for y-"

'He's not your he' Mark had somehow broke down the wall I put up in my mind so that no other werewolf could mind-link me.

I glared at him and he simply shook his head from either disappointment or anger.... maybe even both.

"Well.... uh, I'll just have a water," Theo said looking between us obviously confused.

"I'll have one too," Mark finally said.

I came back with the waters and I guess he just didn't know when to quit.

'You shouldn't be doing this to him. He doesn't deserve this.'

I grabbed his water poured it on his head then slammed the able down on the table.

"MATHEW I'M LEAVING EARLY" I yelled back while taking off my apron. I rushed outside and started walking home while calling an Uber.

Theo came running out after me, I didn't want to drag him into this right now.

"Please just don't....." I said trailing off.

Mark came out with a smirk. Theo turned around and yelled at him.

"What did you do, or even say to her!!!"

"Why don't you ask her." He said calmly.

Another car had pulled up into the parking lot. And I about shit my self..... Donna was in the car. Once she saw me she slammed on her brakes got out and slowly walked over.

"Fay..... is it really you." She looked as if she was about to cry.

I turned to look at Theo then Mark, and I saw that he had his phone in his hand.

"You had to be found one way or another, and Aaron will get you back." He said smirking.

"Who the hell is Aaron?!?!" Theo asked still unaware of everything going on.

"Why don't you tell him, Fay, tell him everything," Mark said, every time he spoke his smirk grew.

I lost it, I broke down and cried. I didn't know what to do, I'm lost, I'm broke, and I can't take this anymore.

"I can't and you know that. It's the law." I cried out.

"You pulled him into this, so why not bring him all the way." Mark glared at me still smirking

"You can if you want but I'm not getting killed or thrown in jail!" I yelled back.

"What the hell are you talking about!!!" Theo yelled looking at all three of us.

"NOTHING!!" I said then turned to look at Mark. "You will be the one thrown in jail."

"Well with Aaron, Darwin, your dumb alpha, and a couple other powerful people on MY side, you are powerless!"

I've had it. I ran to the back of the building and shifted not wanting any other humans to see me, especially Theo.

I ran as fast as I could to my apartment. I shifted back and ran inside before anyone saw me. I grabbed my phone, clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, laptop, chargers, money, wallet, and a few other things. I stuffed it all into my backpack and pink striped Victoria's Secret bag and ran as fast as I could the bus stop.

I got on the bus to St. Alexandria just in time before it set off.

I would just have to keep running. Within a couple months it would be difficult because I would have my pup, and then I really don't know what I'm going to do.


Well, that's all for this chapter... So sorry it took so long..... Everything has been a little too nuts with school and homework...


hope you enjoyed


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