Chapter 19 ----- More Problems

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It has been about two months since I moved to this little town, Lakeville, now my apartment has everything I need and have a job with really nice humans at the cafe. And some how I've even befriended two of them, Lexie and Naomi. They are both very nice girls that work with me at the cafe.


(later at the cafe)

"Hey how about we go to the movies and see that new horror movie," Lexie said wanting both Naomi and I to come with.

"I don't know, you know I don't like horror movies," Naomi said.

"I'll only go if Naomi comes with." I said, "And I'll pay for the popcorn ONLY."

"DEAL" Lexie Yelled. "Please, Naomi!"

"Okay fine, only if I can have a large popcorn to my self," Naomi said crossing her arms.

"Fine," I said

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you." Naomi squealed while jumping up and down.

"After the movie let's go to the club or something," Naomi said.

"I don't know you guys I've been feeling sick lately," I told them

"Do you have a temp," Lexie asked.

"No I already checked for any type of sickness and I googled just about everything," I said.

"When do you normally feel sick," Naomi asked.

"Normally in the morning." I said "Why" they both looked at each other and then looked at me.


"Um when was the last time.... you know.... had sex," Lexie asked.

"I don't know twoish months ago but I really don't want to talk about it," I said.

"I think you are pregnant since we've first seen you, you have kind of grown a bump," Naomi said.

"What...... no..." I was trying to hold my tears back, THAT ASS HOLE. He.... he did this. "Shit!"

"If you don't mind us asking, what happened. Do you not want the baby."

"It's just....... I never intended to get pregnant but I just..... I don't know." I said as a tear slipped out. "But I would never get an abortion, it would kill me to know I killed a living child."

"So... you'll keep the baby?" Lexie asked.


"I'll help you raise him or her if you want me to, I love children," Naomi said.

"I will too" Lexie added.

"Thank you so much," I said giving them a hug.

"So no club just movie," Naomi said.

"How about we go and just chill after the movie," I said.

"YASSSS, girl time BOIIII." Naomi cheered.


(later at the club after the movie)

"Dude I love this song come danceeeee with meeeee," Lexie said waving her hands in the air like a maniac.

"Boi we are soooo drunkkkk" Naomi added in, slurring her words.

"How about I take you both home," I said obviously not drunk since it is very difficult for a werewolf to become drunk and I am not drinking with this baby in me.

"Buuuuut I wanna say staaayyyyy!" Lexie slurred.

"Nawwww we should prooobs goooo Lex" Naomi agreed right before she threw up all over the floor.

"Let me help you, you might need it," a new voice said behind me. I turned around and saw a man that I've never seen before, He has had a couple of drinks but is not drunk. I could tell because he didn't reek of alcohol, only a little scent of it.

"Sure, thank you," I said and he grabbed Lexie before she could fall to the floor.

"Oooo you're cuuute," Lexie said, most of her weight now on this mysterious man.

"Follow me I'll take my car. They can get theirs in the morning." I told him.

"Alright, you got her?" he asked.

"Yeah, I should be good," I told him.


Once we got Lexie and Naomi to their homes, I decided to go to the store and pick up some Tylenol and some food. The man, who I still don't know the name of, said he would come with since he had a couple things to pick up that he didn't get earlier.

"So I never did get your name," I said as we walked through the cereal aisle.

"I never got yours either, but it's Theodore. Or just Theo, Theo Schultz." He said

"Well nice to meet you, I'm Fay, Fay West," I told him.

"Nice to meet you as well Mrs. Fay West."

"It's just Miss, I'm not married," I said.

"So you aren't married but just pregnant."

"Yeah, It's complicated and I could never get an abortion, just the thought," I told him looking at my feet.

"So I guess he wasn't very nice."

"Yeah. . . Something like that."

"I see. Do you like Nutella." He said grabbing the jar.

"Uh, I've never tried it. But I'm allergic to chocolate." I told him wondering how it tastes.

"Huh, that must suck. This stuff is great," he said putting the jar back onto the shelf.


Soooo hope you all enjoyed

luvs you alls


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