This is normal

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"Stupid thief!" Yells an angry pinsized detective with a tendency to forget he's still a 'kid' running after a overly joyed phantom thief with a tendency to tease his favorite critic. That right, his favorite critic. "Get back here and fix my hair!"

"But you look good with pink dye, tantei-kun~, and a kid shouldn't curse, " kid yells back, then shoots two deck cards at the little angry boy's feet to try to lose him a little.

He dodges the first card but fails to the second time tripping a little before continuing the chase up the stairs to the roof. The rest of the kid task force slightly delayed, probably stuck in one of many of the traps the thief put before hand.

"Gee, tantei-kun, be more careful~!" Kid yells, (with slight concern on his voice), before throwing a pink smoke bomb at the detective, then finally reaching the roof, he waits for the child before the real usual fun begins.

'Honesty, he should be more careful when he's only a child.' Observed the thief with an amused look on his face when the kid killer appeared not too long after him.

The boy named Edogawa Conan rests his hands on his knees to control his breathing before asking the thief the same question as the few heist nights before.

"Why do you steal?"

Kid only smirks at the question before answering with the answer he always gives him.

"That is for you, the detective, to find out, tantei-kun~." Then he runs to the edge of the building with jewel at hand and jumps off with stylish twirls before opening his attention grabbing hangglider waving at his kid fans below.

There Conan stood, watching as the phantom disappeared into the starry night to a little later noticing the blue rose on the floor next to a kid note with the iconic kid doodle. He smirks at the usual that kid leaves behind before heading down stairs to the angry Nakamori-keibu.

See you next illusion, tantei-kun
-kaitou kid

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