A single rose

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(Another guest!)'s P.O.V.◇

"BAKAitooo!!!!" I yelled, emberasssed since that idiot flipped my skirt again.
"Get back here!!!"

"But AHOko~! You'll hit me!!" He yelled back as he ran to the direction of the classroom.

"That's the point!!!" I say, gosh why is he such a pain.


After class, Kaito, Hakuba, Akako, and I head home together. At some point they both, Hakuba and Akako, became good friends with me. All thanks to Kaito.... he's an idiot but he's still the first friend I made here.

"Aoko-san?" A worried Akako asked, must have dozed off. "You, talking about Kaitou Kid bored her, Hakuba-kun." She says, looking at him with a small glare.

"It wasn't that! I tend to doze off easily..." I say, a little worried that might have hurt Hakuba-kun's feelings.

"Pardon me, but maybe it was your rambling on how many confessions you got, Akako-san." Saguru counters, oh boy...

This has been happening quite a lot, Hakuba and Akako arguing and I having to watch.

"Kekeke..." i heard a small laugh, Kaito.

"And what are you laughing at?" I whisper shouted.

"Doesn't it look like they like each other?" He asks with a grin.

I look back at the two, yeah it does!

Now that I think about it, that's how Kaito and I use to fight. I say use to because we don't fight like that anymore.... yes, he still bothers and teases me every once in a while but it doesn't turn into a full out argument anymore.

"I'm going on ahead. See you guys later!" I yell as I run home.


When I got home the first thing I do is use the computer to search something
,rose meanings.....

The first rose I searched was the blue one, the one he gives to everyone.

Love, prosperity, and immortality.

'So like Kaito....' I smile at that.

Next, red rose, the ones he used to give me since we were small.

Love, respect, admiration, and devotion.

.....I blushed....

And finally, the rose that he started giving me not too long ago. The yellow rose.

Joy, delight, welcome back, new beginning, and.... friendship...

I see...this either means he finally sees me as a friend or.....he likes someone else. Aoko is not an idiot, I kinda knew he might have liked me when Saguru came and I had hope....

I'm happy for him so why am I crying...? This is silly, I'm silly, i don't even know if he ever liked me.

All I can do is cheer on my best friend.

"Bakaito....you better make that person happy...."

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