Kid's been found

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Shinichi's P.O.V.-

After we finished eating, (and kaito complaining about smelling of coffee), the waitress gave Kaito a pair of sweatpants which happened to be his size. I still don't think it's a coincidence.

"Shinichi, you can be so cold... wait up!" Kaito yells from behind me as I didn't notice I was walking fast.

"Sorry, I've been kind of zoned out alot. Wait, where are your other pants? She didn't give you a bag?" I ask, noticing kaito is empty handed.

" Ah! I left them back there. I'll be-"

"They are probably closed, it is late after all." I say as I interrupt him and look at my watch.

"I'll come tomorrow then. Will I be escorting you home?" Kaito asks smug as ever.

I had actually told him not too long ago that I was also interested in guys and I had also told him about my talk with Ran. Ran...She was so heart broken, after all that waiting only to be told I'm not in love with her, I'm such a jerk...

"Shinichi~ Anyone in there?" Kaito asks as he taps my forehead with his head slightly tilted.


"There will be a new heist from KID coming up, huh? Nakamori-keibu already send me KID's notice yesterday and yet again, I've deciphered it." I said kinda smug and proud of myself.

From the corner of my eye I can see that Kaito's eye twitched a little.

'He must be irritated that I can solve his riddles so easily.'

"Though it did take an all nighter, he could make them easy for me, damn thief." I say as I study Kaito's reaction again. He has a look of happiness yet again, so easy to read...

"Well that's KID for Ya! Never easy to read!" He beamed as he walked ahead humming.

'...ironic...damn thief indeed...'

Kaito's P.O.V.~

After I finally got home, (and me trying to assure Shinichi I got hone safely, sheesh!), I went to take a quick shower before going to bed. Man, I just want to sleep!

[Shower time! Since I'm pretty sure everyone's had a shower at least once in there life, I'm going to skip the details. LOL!]

After the shower, I went to set my phone alarm like I always do which my phone happened to be in the sweatpants the nice waitress gave me today. It also happened to be in the basket of dirty clothes, damn...

After I finally got to the bathroom to the basket of dirty clothes, which I need to wash soon, I finally found my phone!!! Haza!!

.....and a little folded note with the words, [To KID] written infront of it....

'Who??? How??? When????!!!'

I'm shaking...I'm panicking...I'm confused...what the f**k is happening!

Ok, ok, calm down.....

...The sweatpants! The waitress! The coffee! It wasn't an accident is all I can conclude!

In a brilliant moment of panic, worry and fear, I grab for my shoes, close the door behind me, and bolt to the little sweet shop.

When I finally get there, an elderly lady who I assume is the owner stands there closing the shop shutters, probably ready to head home.

"Um, excuse me miss, but do you know where I can find a waitress who works here called Sayaka?" I ask In the most calmest tone I can muster at the moment.

"Who? Sorry lad but I don't think anyone named Sayaka works here." The women says as she looks deep in thought.

"Is that so." I say feeling dejected.

'I...finally had a lead....'

"Ah, but a random young lady gave me a bag with pants inside, she told me to give them to a young lad that asks for a Sayaka, I think. Here you go." She says as she passes me a bag and starts to walk off.

As I look inside, I find my pants there, cleaned and looking almost new. I also found a little note folded like the other one but this time it's an orange colored note.

[First note: We found you, KID.]

[Second note: This will be fun. Have fun while you still Can. -Random waitress.]

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