Badasses everywhere

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Akako's P.O.V.

"Akako? Where are we going?" Aoko asks as I hold her hand and walk towards the taxi I called not too long ago.

'Kaito's in danger.'

"To KID's heist." I say simply as I watch irritation adorn her face at the mention of KID.

"Is something bad happening?" She asks pouty.

'Cute...' I think while I smile but worry is inevitably there.

"I hope not."
Kazuha's P.O.V.

Great, just great. Leaving me at the hotel room to chase a thief all by myself! I will not stay put! I will give that thief a piece of my mind!

I have already made it to the location and see a bunch of fangirls screening for KID to come out.

'They don't have to strip!!' I think embarrassed that girls would do that for their idols.

I finally make it to the back where I see two officers knocked out who were probably suppose to keep watch.

'Hmpf! Drinking on the job.' I think irritated as I pass by them and enter to look for Heiji.

As I enter I hear a loud man command officers to look for that KID guy. I see Heiji there with another guy and the loud guy.

"There you are!" I yell as I walk up to him.

"Ka-Kazuha?!?!" He yells surprised.

"How can you leave a young maiden alone at a hotel?!?! And your girlfriend at that!!" I yell embarrassed that I said that out loud.

He starts to blush too while fuming.

"It's dangerous here too!! And you know Kendo!" He says acussingly.

"Wait, how did you enter??" The loud man from before asks.

"None of your business." I say as I glare daggers and he shuts up. The other guy from before stops laughing and shuts up too.

"Kazuha, it really is dangerous here." Heiji says serious.

"But! I don't like being alone! I'll help ya find tha bastard of a KID." I say as I turn and look for a weapon. I find a broom, break the broom and now I have a stick.

"Just ya wait!" I say as I march off.
Heiji's P.O.V.

'That idiot!' I think as I see her walk off with a broken stick.

"Your girlfriend is quite something." The bastard Hakuba comments as he looks kind of scared.


"Shut up! I'm going with her. Oi, wait up Kazuha!!" I yell embarrassed as I follow after her, leaving the other two behind.
Conan (Shinichi)'s P.O.V

As I climb out of the vent I used to escape from the other room, I start feeling myself go back to being Shinichi.

'So if I calm down i can turn into Shinichi.' I think remembering Haibara's advice. I'm starting to transform back.

I put my clothes back on and start to head for the stairs.

'Please be ok, Kaito.' I think as I see Hakuba and Nakamori-keibu.

"Ah, kudo, where have you been?" Hakuba asks as he approaches me.

"Ah, I was tied up by some dangerous people." I say simply.


After I finish explaining as short as possible, I see that Nakamori and Hakuba are quite confused.

"So...some guys are after KID's life and you're here to stop that?" He asks and I just nod. I didn't tell him EVERYTHING, Just the important stuff.

"Yep, THEY're accomplices might be around here, be careful." I warn as I'm on the last few sets of stairs leading to the roof. 56 floors, wow.

"THEY're accomplices, huh." A voice asks, I turn arround to see Nakamori with his gun out.

"What-!" Bang, Hakuba is shot.

I take out my own guns, the ones I took from the guys that were knocked out in the camera room and point at 'Nakamori'.

"You're not Nakamori-keibu." I say menacingly as I take off the safety of the guns.

"Nope, I'm Weasel." He says as he takes off his face mask to reveal a guy who's had quite a tough life by all his scars.

"Hakuba, are you ok?" I ask him, I see him take off his jacket, he revealing a bullet vest.

"That hurts but I'll survive." He says as he stands up and holds his chest area.

"Do you know how to use a gun?" I ask as I eye his condition but am still weary of the weasel guy's actions.

"Yeah, Call of Duty anyone?" He asks as I give him a gun and I pass him some handcuffs.

"I've heard you know Taekwondo." I mumble.

"I'll be fine, you go on ahead. That idiot of your's needs you there." He says as he's back to normal.

I blush at the thought of Kaito being considered mine by others but just not and head up the last sets.

"Good luck."

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