What to do

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Shinichi's P.O.V.-

"I told you so." Haibara said as she continued to type in her computer, ignoring everything else about my little adventure that happened yesterday.

To keep you updated, the day I followed Kaito was of Friday, today Is Saturday, the day I left Kaito's home after leaving him my Conan phone number.

"I'm sorry..." I said as I found nothing to counter about her being right, again.

"Sorry won't cut it if he saw you transform into Conan." She pointed out as she finally turned around to face me.

We are currently in her lab as she is studying me on the effects the 'antidote' gave me. From what she told me, it seems I'm getting used to turning back to Shinichi then Conan without feeling much pain.

"He didn't see me, otherwise he would have pointed it out as the cocky way he can be when in his KID persona." I remarked as I tried to assure Haibara.

"I'll trust that you're right. And if you are correct about that parlor belonging to KID's accomplice, ill try to see if they have any hidden cameras so I can go erase any footage the might have had of you." She said almost as if we were dealing with the organization.

"Thanks, Ai. I'll take you shopping when I have a chance." I promised as I myself remember how dark those old times were.

"You must anyways, I wouldn't do all of this without a catch." She said as she turned back to her computer.

"...ha ha.."

Haibara's P.O.V._

'From the looks of it, it seems Kudo will be able to control being Conan to Shinichi. I should run more tests on the blood sample he gave me. So troublesome.'

Shinichi's P.O.V-

'What do I do today...' I think as I leave  Agasa's house and stand infront of my own.

I can't really go and walk around or go to the police office since I'll stumble into a case...not today! I can call Kaito over but I'd just start becoming a blushing mess so maybe tomorrow. (Little does he know). Maybe I can just stay in, Netflix n' chill, the good stuff.

"Isn't he charming?""I know, right! How was be able to do that?"" It must be wonderful dating a magician.""Too bad, he said he's taken."

'Dating a magician?' I think as a pair if women discus of what I assume is the performance of a very talented magician.

"Let's go there again next Time! He said he'll be working there every Saturday starting today."" If only the cakes there were less expensive."

'An expensive cafe that has a stage for it to be performed by a magician.' I thought as I took out my phone to look up a place nearby that had these specific things.

"Bingo!" [Cherry cafe]

Kaito's P.O.V~

"Why...am I here?" I ask as I stand infront of the mirror behind the little stage in Cherry cafe.

"You lost a bet and my cousin needed something to attract a crowd at her new cafe. I thought of you so you should be greatful." Hakubastard said as he stood at the door entrance.

"Besides, you can practice performing with a crowd, Bakaito!" Aoko yelled as she started to leave after helping me with my tie. "We'll be going now, we only came to see you for a bit, Akako-chan invited me for tea."

"Yes, I want to ask Aoko something." Akako said as she stood next to Hakuba.

"See you soon!" Aoko yelled as she ran after the other two.

"So troublesome...I have a heist tomorrow." I mumble as I grab my mask to take with me.

The thing Hakuba's cousin decided on was for a mysterious magician, who's face and name will remain a mystery, will be performing on weekends with the alias of Akira.

"Akira, Such a lame name..."i say as I turn around to see Hakuba's cousin, h Haruno, standing there, arms crossed.

"Think of a better one on your own then, that's 1/5 of your pay gone." She said with an evil glint in her eyes.

"Nooo!!!! Mercy Haruno nee-chan!!!!" I pleaded as I hugged her waist with fake tears.

"....you get no free cake till next week then." She said as she left the room

"Why is the world so cruel...?!?"


I'll be starting a new series(book) but with the Naruto show. There'll be many things kinda different since it won't actually be about Naruto, the protagonist. Hope you can all check it our if you like Naruto. This book will probably be finished by next month at the pace I'm writing(hopefully not).  Thanks for reading!

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