let's play tag!

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Conan's P.O.V.-

"From this day forward, Edogawa Conan will cease to exist." I say and the look in kid's eyes looked confused and...sad...

"What do you mean by that, tantei-kun?"

"What I mean is...I want to make a deal." I say focused on the task at hand. Nakamori-keibu will be here soon, the traps won't last long.

"A deal...With a thief...?I'm listening..."

"A game of tag really, only instead of me being the chaser and you the chased, it'll be reversed." I try to explain.

"Reversed...?" He asks.

"You don't have to but if your able to find me, the REAL me, It'll explain to you how I'm so brilliant for my age and...I'll help with the take down of the organization that's after you." I continue to explain, I'm actually really nervous. If he refuses, I'll look like an idiot so Lady luck, help me for once, I actually want to help him.

"How do you know about...?"

"They left some tracks...I've experienced worse organizations much sneakier before..." I answer before he asks.

"If you help, I want to know how you'll do it."

"If you play that is." I add with a small grin.

'I'm helping anyways but this way I can keep a close eye as Shinichi on him...kid can be too reckless!'

"When you say the real you then... Edogawa Conan is just a pen name of sorts...? I knew it..."

"Ye- wait, What?" I asked confused.

'He knew...?'

"Well...for research purposes, I was looking for some background info on you and in the end, there was only the basics, like your birthday but that's it, nothing on what you parents do for a living and the likes so that meant you don't exist." He explains nonchalantly.

"Impresive..! Why aren't you a detective?" I ask, kinda surprised at his accurate deduction.

"I like being the one that creates mysteries, not solves them. Besides, i'd rather watch people smile thanks to my work." He answers with a prideful smirk and a blue flower at hand.

'That's right, there's a chance he might be a magician in real life...'

"Another thing I might add is while I'm 'gone', someone else will make your heists interesting for me." I say.

"Someone else...?"

"So, do we have a deal?" I ask ignoring his question.

"Can I have a clue at least?" He asks with a sort of desperation to his voice.

I was honestly a little shocked that he asked for a clue, him of all people. The truth was, if he hadn't asked I was sure he'd never find me, I'm glad he did though. I took out a simple wrapped package and tossed it at him.

"Are you willing to play tag with me then?"

"...I'm willing to play...."


Kaito's P.O.V.~

"I have a question though." I say, the information this pinsized detective is giving me about his life means he cares but...in what kinda way? And why reveal himself to me, a world wide wanted criminal?

"What is it?" Tantei-kun asks. He was just about to leave but I need answers so I'm not letting this chance slide when he's still here and when this might be the last time.

"Why do you want me to find you?" I ask.

"...Why indeed..." and with that he left


The night ended successfully for me but I somehow felt empty, stumped. To never see tantei-kun would kill me, he made the thrill of the heists skyrocket. He was the ying to my yang, a true rival, if I'm the modern Lupin like the media says I am, Tantei-kun's my Holmes.

When I got home I already sent the jewel back to Nakamori-keibu and it will arrive to him in a day from now. It wasn't pandora but a new mystery did rise from this heist.

I look at the package tantei-kun gave me and decide to open it. It was a Sherlock Holmes book....great.

"'The hound of the Baskerville'..." I whisper.

I open the book to see it's kinda worn out and used but very well taken care of.

'So like him...' at that I smile.

Inside I find a note:

   Not-so-Dear kaitou kid,

We may never meet again and all that and this is the only clue I can give that will serve as a challenge for you without exposing myself too much. If you are able to find me though, I will not arrest you but instead, I will steal something of yours. Ironic, isn't It?

                  Till then, Tantei-kun.

'I wonder what he means by that...'

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