Trailing like an idiot

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Haibara's P.O.V._

The antidote was a success. I hope. What I was able to discover when I checked on Kudo is when his immune system is down and/or his stress meter is very high, he becomes Conan again.

I told Kudo to be careful but he just goes on to follow Kuroba everywhere like a lost puppy. It's oddly sad to see really.

"Ai-chan? Are you feeling ok?" Agasa asks as he enters the kitchen where I'm currently sitting in as I watch over our fridge from, you guessed it, Agasa.

"I'm ok, I'm just reading this new magazine for handpuerses that have just come out." I say as I look only at the magazine and pretend to not notice Agasa trying to sneak out food from the cupboards.

"Is that So? What are we having for dinner?" He asks as he hides something behind his back when i turn around to look at him.

"....chicken salad." I answer as I point to an apple behind him.

He turns around and I use this chance to steal back the chocolate donuts from his hands. I push him out the kitchen with only an apple on his hands as I wave him off and eat a donut infront of him.

"Maybe a donut for dessert." I say as I slam the door close. When a few seconds pass, I hear a groan from Agasa.

'For his own good.' I think as I finish my donut.

Shinichi's P.O.V.-

Today is the day, the day when the world ends, where humanity dies, where all hope is lost, when the world has finally given


You may all be wondering on what I'm referring to and I'd like to start from the beginning. Due to this, the writer will not let me finish the sentence.

~Flashback brought to you by a healthy writer~

It all started yesterday, a day after I had taken Kaito to an all-you-can-eat-sweet buffet, he had started to seem slightly distant. He would usually pester me or Ran or even Sonoko since we were literally the only people that hanged out with him at school. Out of nowhere, however, he had started to go home by himself and not participate in our conversations during lunch, almost like we were acquaintances and nothing else.

I've also noticed that he seems more alert, like he expects something bad to happen. Ran being Ran had asked about it but all she got as an answer was Kaito dismissing the accusation all together but that didn't mean Ran and Sonoko would give up.

"Really everyone, I'm just too caught up in my thoughts is all!" Kaito says with fake assurance. I can tell it's fake. Sonoko had seem to buy it this timd while Ran wasn't completely sure but let it go anyways.

After school was over, there again, he left by himself but this time he went a different direction than towards his house. On the spur of the moment, I started following him.

Whatever his destination was, it seemed to be important since he was walking slightly faster then his usual pace, almost jog-running.

'Where is he going?' I thought as I try to stay at least 5 feet away from him, hoping he hasn't spotted me following him.

When he finally stops, I see him look around cautiously then enter a billiards parlor named the Blue Parrot.

'What's he doing in a place like this?' I think as I creep in closer to try and see through one of the tall windows build into the building.

In there I see Kaito talking to an elderly man that seems to be the owner of the parlor as he was behind the bar.

Out of nowhere, me not being aware of those around me, a random drunkperson comes towards me and sneezes in my direction without covering his nose, mumbling under his alcoholic stenched breath .

'...gross...' I think as I stand there wiping the mucus off my face with my handkerchief, glaring daggers at the drunk sick man's back as I see him walk off.

I go back to staring through the windows to find that Kaito has disappeared somewhere down the hall, leaving me with no choice but to either go home or stay.

.....I'll stay.

Kaito's P.O.V.~

When I had finished talking to Jiji about the women I had met in the cafe from before, he had told me the same thing he told me on the phone.

"Young master, please try and keep your distance from those important to you as much is necessary. They can be put in danger." Those words ranged in my head as I was about ready to leave the parlor.

As the cold air hit my face when I opened the door, I immediately thanked the gods for letting me forget my sweater here last time.

......however, I was probably the only one luck enough to have such a warm sweater on me....for there he sat, the one that is on my mind 24/7, no matter how hard I try to think of something else. With huge clothes all wrapped around him as he seems to be try to stay warm, sleeping. There sleeped Conan, my tantei-kun.

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