It will start

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Shinichi's P.O.V.-

"Yo! Kudo! Ya Ready?" Hattori asks as I enter Sonoko's uncle's house.

This is where Kaitou Kid's heist will be taking place and Hattori will be joining. Hakuba will be coming later, Jirokichi, Sonoko's uncle, will be calling this KID's end by the top three detectives.

'Honestly, I'm too tired for this...' I think as I sip my coffee that I got on the way here.

"You don't look too good, did you sleep at all last night?" Hattori asks as he looks at me with worry.

"Ah, a friend of mine got sick yesterday so I took care of him all night yesterday." I say while I look for a place to sit down.


. . .

"So.... I heard from Kazuha, y'know, about Ran nee-chan..." He starts to say as he sits down on the floor next to a window and I follow suit.

"Yeah...I couldn't keep up the fact that I was denying how I actually felt about her. She doesn't deserve that." I say as I look at my knees.

" you regret It? I mean, it's really none of my business but you were all over her last I saw." He says as he looks at me, his stare observing if I actually do regret my decision.

He must have been disappointed on what he saw because he dropped his gaze.

"'s sad how you want to give someone love but it doesn't feel right. Feelings change and it hurts to admit but mine did. I can't continue to lie, that's not what a detective is." I ramble as I lean my head to the wall and close my eyes with a sight.

" should rest, KID's heist won't start till later, I'll call ya then." He says as he stands up and asks a nearby maid for a room for me to rest in.

"Lets go! It's a guestroom down this hall." He comes back cheery as he takes me there.

"Thanks." I say as I enter the room and flop on the bed.

This will be a long night...

Kaito's P.O.V.~

I immediately called Jiji's as I left Shinichi's house, today is my biggest heist yet.

[Ah, botchama, all preparations are complete. Will you be coming over to check?]

"Ah, no, I trust that you have prepared everything. I'll be going to the Heist location to infiltrate." I say over the phone as I walk to my house.

My Kid clothes and gadgets are there after all...

[This early? What if you get discovered and Nakamori-keibu and he pinches your face?] He asks worried, at that, I smirk.

'He worries too much...'

"I'll be fine, today a special guest needs to be attended since he's not feeling well." I say as I enter my apartment and go to the secret room next to my regular one.



[ careful.]

"Thanks, Jiji."

Grabbing my Kid kit backpack on, with my KID costume and others inside, I start to change my clothes into a black turtleneck sweater, some normal jeans, and a black cap hat.

'I wonder if he's ok...i haven't seen much on tantei-kun either...' I think while I go outside again and get onto a motorcycle rented for this heist.

I shake my head at the though of both.

'You can't think of your love life now...I need to see of he's Ok.'

I head to the location.
No one's P.O.V.?

"HURRY IT UP, YOU MORONS!! KAITOU KID WILL BE HERE ANY MINUTE NOW!!!" Yelled a very energetic Nakamori-keibu.

'Today is the day....I can feel this probably being the end...' he thought as he walked down the halls of the location. Surprisingly with a sad look to his eyes.

"Yes!" All neighboring officers responded as they rushed on to work.

"*whistle* Tokyo metropolitan police department sure are hardworking." Hattori observed as he walked to Nakamori-keibu.

"Who are you?" Nakamori asked as he eyes him suspiciously.

"I'm Hattori Heiji, high school detective. I'm here to hel-"

Before he could finish, Nakamori was pinching his face.

"Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!!! Let go!" He yelped in pain as he was finally let go, rubbing his cheek.

"Hmpf, I do this all the time, just in case you're KID." The inspector said as he continued to walk. Leaving a very pissed off Hattori behind.

'.....he'll be here any moment know...I just know it...' The inspector thought, then left to the camera room.
Shinichi's P.O.V.-

Hm...where am I? Ah, at KID's heist's location... right....


"My hands are tied....What?" I mumble as I open my eyes to see that I'm not in the room I was sleeping in before...and I was tied up to a chair.

"What's going on?" I ask out loud mostly to myself but find that someone answered.

"You'll be our little bait for a very special bird~" a voice said, I wasn't sure if it was female or male but it send chills down my spine.

"Who-" before I could even finish, I was knocked out

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