Chapter 4 | The Project

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A door opens as your fist is ready to knock. A tall beanstalk gives you a cold glare as you stand awkwardly with your fist out. You quickly put your arm to your side, realizing the door was already opened for you.

You and the middle blocker give each other a long stare before Tsukishima finally interrupts the silence. "Come on in."

You turn your head to him sassily as you step into the door way, "Pardon the intrusion."

You take a look around as Tsukishima closes the door behind you. Tsukshima walks in front of you, leading you upstairs before you have a good chance to take a look around. "Hey Hey I want to look around--"

"No." Tsukishima pushes you up upstairs as you struggle to go down the stairs.

'This stupid small body of mine' you think pouting as you make it upstairs.

"You're not going to die stop complaining" Tsukishima says coldly as you continue to pout.

"Stupid beanstalk." You say crossing your arms while entering his room.

You take your time to settle in and you take a look around Tsukishima's room. Your eyes move to his shelf which has a row of different dinosaur figurines which lie next to a poster of a chibi dinosaur.

"Awww beanstalk lovessss dinosaurssss" You tease while you pick up the figurine of a T-Rex.

Anger crosses over Tsukishima's face as you continue to touch his precious dinosaurs. He hits a notebook on your head. "Oi shortstock, hands off" He gives you a cold stare as you slowly put down his dinos.

"Fine. Fine," you say putting the figurines back into place. Your eyes light up as you glance over to his bed. A Dino plush lying neatly next to Tsukishima's pillow. "AWW ITS SO CUTE" You swoon.

"How would you know what cute is look at yourself," Tsukishima smirks while adjusting his glasses.

Your mouth hangs open, offended. "Its good to know you actually have a soft side," You hold the plush in your arms. "Did you hear that Dino-san? Beanstalk might actually have a heart!"

"His name is Ryuu..." Tsukishima mumbles.

You start bursting out into laughter. "HAAHA You even named him? Seriously? Ryuu? Like Kyouryuu*?" You fall on his bed in laughter as a dark aura forms around. (A/N: Kyouryuu is Japanese for dinosaur)

"Shut up Shortie we need to work on the project," Tsukishima says snatching Ryuu out of your hands as your laughter dials down.

"Hai hai." you get up and take out your notebook and stare at it.

Tsukishima waves his hand in front of your face. "Are you going to do anything or will I have to do all the work."

Sweat rolls down your face as you turn to Tsukishima like a robot. "U-Uh... what is the project about?..."

"HUH?" He says loudly. "Are you really that stupid?" he groans.

"Sh-Shut up! I was daydreaming in class... I don't remember what Sensei said...." You play with your fingers.

"You know you really are the most useless person ever," Tsukishima snatches your notebook out of your hands and opens the notebook. "Wait beanstalk don't open it--" you say nervously as he takes a look at your "notes from class".

Drawings are scribbled all over where your notes from class are supposed to be. You cover your face in embarrassment as Tsukishima stares at the pages. "I know...." you say through your covered face.

"You're helpless Shortie," Tsukishima chuckles as he flips through your doodles. "What is this supposed to be?" he starts laughing as your embarrassment turns to anger.

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