Chapter 10 | Moonlight

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Wait... What's going on?.....

Why does everything seem so peaceful....

This happened 2 years ago....

Did I?....

"(Name), Remember to stay by me so you don't cramp up and drown again okay?"

Kiyoko.... where is my sister? I should have listened to her.... I should have learned from last time. Why does this always happen? I'm underwater... and I can't move. I can't move a muscle.

I.... can't breathe... but I feel at peace....

Where is... he?...

I hate him but... I want him to get me out....

Rescue me.....

Where is.... 






"(Name)!!! WAKE UP! PLEASE..." You hear your sister's voice ring as something soft touches your lips. 


Did I get out?....




I want to wake up. 

"I-I'm trying..." You hear the voice of the guy you hate the most. His voice now, shaken, as if in panic.

Stupid Beanstalk... I'm okay I swear.


"S-She's awake?" 

Your eyes open slowly, a bright light shines. Your eyes move from side to side. From left to right; Daichi, Suga, Kenma; Tsukishima in the middle; Kiyoko, Hinata and Kageyama. 

"THE MEDIC IS HERE!" You hear Tanaka yell.

"I-I'm fine..." You attempt to sit up.

"(NAME)!" Your sister pushes you back down in a hug. Her grip is tight around you, tears falling fast down her face. 

"K-Kiyoko... I'm fine... But I'm so sorry... I didn't listen."

"No....No... it's my fault I'm sorry."

You wrap your arms around her and hug back. The sudden realization comes to you; your body is shaking. Your sister gets you up and holds your hands. Your eyes turn to Tsukishima. His body, calm yet a hint a worry still lies behind them. 

"Hey Beanstalk, whats with the way you are looking at me. Did I scare ya?" You go back to your usual self, yet a bit weaker.

Tsukishima sighs in relief and smiles, "With your face? Always." You both smile at eachother, this time not with hatred but with compassion.

"(Name)!!! I'm so glad you're okay..." Kenma stands in front of Tsukishima, throwing the middle blocker off. 

"Kenma-kun! I'm fine..." You move slightly to look at Tsukishima, who to your surprise wasn't there anymore. 'Where did he go?...'

You shake of the thought as more and more worried people surround you, yet lingers in the back of your mind.

The sun begins to fall down into the horizon. The Karasuno Volleyball club, sitting around a small fire with sticks and marshmallows. You laugh at Asahi's attempt to tell a scary story but in the proccess scaring himself. 

You look at the shoreline. The six foot middle blocker sitting on a log, staring out into the darkening sky. You excuse yourself and make your way over to Tsukishima.

"Hey, mind if I sit here?" You say interrupting Tsukishima's concentration on the rising stars.


As you take your seat, Tsukishima turns his attention to you but soon directs his attention back to the ocean's edge.

"Where did you go before?" You say drawing in the sand.

"There was too much people... so I went to the umbrella..."

"Oh..." You hoped he'd say something else. 

"What happened in junior high?" Tsukishima says, getting your attention.

"What do you mean?"

"Shimizu-senpai was talking about how something like what happened today... happened before."

"Oh.. that..." You play with your fingers. "Two years ago I went to the beach for the first time. I was so excited I went straight into the water. According to the doctors, I should put on this lotion before I go into the water.... or I'll cramp up and be unable to swim at all. My excitement got the better of me and I cramped up before Kiyoko even set up the umbrella. Luckily there was a life guard near by and he rescued me. I've never been to the beach since then..."


"Well it still happens but only in sea water. I thought I wouldn't drown becasue I was able to stand but I got swept away..." You trail off. "B-But I'm okay now!"

"Wow. You really are helpless."

"Be quiet. I almost drowned you know?" You punch his arm softly. "So I heard you rescued me from near death..."

Tsukishima's face turns slightly pale and he looks away. "Yeah I guess"

"Wow look at this. Mr. 'I don't care about anyone' rescuing me. I am so honored" You say with a lot of sarcasm. Your eyes widen slightly. "If you rescued me...."

"yOU KISSED ME!" You clasp your hand to your mouth.

"It was CPR not kissing." Tsukishima tries to keep his composure. "it didn't count..."

"R-Right..." You put your hand falls to your side.

You both stare at each other. The blondie's golden orbs glowing in the moonlight. A hair falls in the front of your face. Before you have the chance, Tsukishima pushes the hair away, now even closer than before. Faces only inches apart. Your face slowly heats up, causing you to turn away. Tsukishima look at his backpack, resting behind the log. He looks hesitant, but you don't notice. "Actually Shortie I have to give you some-"

"(Name)!!! It's time to get going!" Your sister calls out.

"Coming!!" You yell back. You turn to Tsukishima, his eyebrows lower a bit, a hand inside his backpack. He takes his hand out of his backpack. Nothing in his hand.

"See you on Monday." He says picking up the backpack and walking away.

"Well... he didn't let me say goodbye" You mumble to yourself. You sigh and put a finger on your lip. "It... didn't count"

You stare at the moon in awe realizing it's beauty. For some reason the moon reminds you of Tsukishima. You just... can't put your finger on it. Why do you feel such a connection to the moon all of a sudden?..... Like always, you ignore the feelings gradually increasing every moment. You laugh to yourself and walk over to your sister.

Tsukishima still rests in your mind. You smile thinking of seeing him on Monday.


Author's Note

HEY! Thank you for reading!

Just some quick notes;

* I had no excuse for why (Name) drowned so I made something up sorry if it sounds a bit odd. I wanted this to happen aydbjbghj

* SCHOOL IS OUT! this means that I will be able to update this more often yay!

Thanks for reading!

- Shortcake 

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