Chapter 25 | Awaken

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"He— He— Coma?" You struggle to form your words.

"He landed on the baseball field and thankfully only hurt his arm... and head"

"I need to see him" You take the white hospital blanket off as you try to stand up.

"What? No!" Kiyoko tries to hold you back. "You need to recover from your concussion!"

"I need to see him Kiyoko." Your voice strains. You pull yourself away from her grasp and you try to stand up as your head begins pounding. You fall back onto the bed.


"(Name), you should really rest." Suga tries to help you lie down as you continue to be stubborn.

"But— Tsukishima and.."

"(Name)," Yamaguchi comes next to you. His voice seems raspy and there are dark circles under his eyes. The pinch server looks miserable.


"I know you're worried about Tsukki. So am I, but... we need to be strong and you need to rest."

Your struggle stops as you finally rest your body onto the pillows. "How long is it going to take him to... wake up?"

"The doctor doesn't know...."

You look away from the eyes locked on you. Concerned and wondering the thoughts going through your head.

"I want to be alone." You mumble, loud enough for everyone to hear.

"But you just woke up—" Hinata started.

"We need to respect her wishes, dumbass" Kageyama says, hitting the back of the ginger's head.

"Right," Suga claps his hands together. "Everyone make your way out."

The silver haired third year hushes everyone out as they wave you a goodbye. Your sister takes your hand. "(Name),"

"Kiyoko can I have time alone?" Your voice cracks

She lets go of your hand and nods. "Ill be back later" She excuses herself as you look out the window.

Tsukishima?... Coma??

Because of Misawa? Your Boyfriend?

Feelings of anger begins to overtake your fear.

What. The. Fuck.

You're finally discharged after a few hours, but you don't leave the hospital. The one thing stuck in your mind is the well-being of Tsukishima.

Is he awake?

Your heart rate increases as you begin running

Please say hes awake.

You slide open the door, making a loud slamming noise.

An older Tsukishima lifts his head in surprise.


"(Name)," the college student smiles weakly.

Your eyes lock onto the hospital bed. The sound of a normal heartbeat beeps on the monitor. The blonde middle blocker looks peaceful, but bruised. His right arm is wrapped with white tape as he lies in a hospital gown.

"The doctor says that there hasn't been any changes" Akiteru says with a hoarse voice, his expression changing to hurt.

You look at Akiteru and to his brother. "This is all my fault..."

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