Chapter 21 | Text Chain

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"I love her." Tsukishima says, as a single tear falls from his right eye. He wipes it away. "Oh gross, feelings"

"You... love her?" Yamaguchi repeats.

"Wait what?" Yachi gasps. "Are you talking about (Name)-chan!?"

"Obviously" Tsukishima says forwardly. 

"You finally realized it?" Yamaguchi sighs. Yachi squeals, cupping her hands to her mouth.

"Yeah..." he rubs the back of his neck. 

"So, are you going to confess?" Yachi jumps with excitement.


"Wait, why?" Yachi stops her fangirling. 

"She has a boyfriend and shes happy with him. I'm not going to ruin her happiness"

"So sweet" Yamaguchi puts his hand on Yachi's shoulder and they both nod at eachother and wipe a tear. "Have mercy"

"What are you guys doing?"

"You finally realize your feeling and you aren't going to do anything?" Yachi shakes her head. "SMH"

 "S..m...h?" Tsukishima looks clueless.

"Shake my head Tsukishima! Shake! My! Head!" Yachi flips her short blonde hair and puts her hands on her hips. She points to him, "At least give her the gift you got for her"

"You told her?" Tsukishima glares at Yamaguchi.

"Gomen Tsukki," Yamaguchi bows an apology, but looks back up, "you don't have to confess to her but at least make it clear you're an option"

"Yeah!" Yachi pouts. "I cant let my sweet ship sink without even floating"

"So annoying" Tsukishima groans. "I shouldn't have admitted my feelings. Feelings are the worst"

"You're as salty as your tears. Chill" 

Tsukishima rolls his eyes. "Just.. don't tell her?"

"We're obviously not telling her but that can't stop us from telling the rest of the team" Yachi's eyes light up. 

"Yachi! Don't include me in your little plans!" 

Yamaguchi looks at Yachi with a concerned look as she laughs to herself. "Oh I can't wait to tell Shimizu" Yachi puts on a sweet smile, "Okay lets make a plan to put operation Salty Man into play" 

"I didn't agree on that name and seriously an operation?" Tsukishima eyes narrow. 

"Okay lets break up Misawa and (Name)!"

"No," Tsukishima says annoyed. "Don't do anything that could result in heartbreak"

"Aw," Yachi swoons. "You really care about her don't you?"

"Yeah, I do, so don't do anything." Tsukishima walks between Yamaguchi and Yachi. "And don't include me in any of your 'plans'"

Tsukishima walks away. Yachi and Yamaguchi turn to eachother. "I'm going to text Kiyoko" Yachi says taking out her phone. 

"Tsukishima... loves... (Name).. he doesn't ...want... her.... to know" Yachi says while typing a new message. "And... sent!"

"I'm sure Shimizu-senpai already knows..."

"Oh well," Yachi shrugs. She grabs Yamaguchi's wrist and points to the sunset, "Onward my dear friend!"


On the other side of the park, Kiyoko is eating a churro. Nishinoya and Tanaka sit on the bench across from her, holding her phone. 

"Dude, don't you think we should give Shimizu-senpai's phone back?" Nishinoya says as Tanaka gleefully scrolls through the phone.

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