Chapter 5 | 及川徹

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author's note: I'm skipping to Aoba Josai and Karasuno's match that ends Season 1 to progress the story quicker!

"It's so quiet huh?" Takeda Sensei

"They're all out cold," your sister smiles.

You look around at the bus; everyone quietly asleep, yet snoring.

You laugh quietly to yourself as your eyes feel heavy. After all, it's been a long day. Karasuno won both of their matches. Your throat worn out from all the cheering you've done today.


As everyone exits the bus, a teacher greets us from the faculty room.

"Hey Takeda Sensei! You guys are on TV!" A teacher yells, waving.

"WOOAAAH!" Every one says, except for Tsukishima, of course.
• • •
Everyone is staring at the TV in focus.

"You know it's just the local news," Tsukishima says.

"SHUT UP! TV IS TV!" Nishinoya and Tanaka yell in unison.

You laugh to yourself as Tsukishima mumbles, "This is a waste of time,"

"Cmon beanstalk!" You punch his shoulder lightly, "Be apart of the team!!"

"How could you be apart of the team when you can't even reach the net," Tsukishima smirks.

"Shut up you tall pole!"

"(Name)-san! Tsukishima-kun! Quiet!" Daichi says, shutting you two up.

"—the powerhouse, Karasuno High School," You hear. Tanaka's, Nishinoya's and Hinata's face light up in joy to hear Karasuno being mentioned. Instead of what they were expecting, Oikawa Tooru instead pops up.

"They're a great team." Oikawa says talking about Karasuno, "I hope they go for broke!" He smiles on screen. Your face flushes a little from the smile of the ladies man but immediately turns dark, as so does everyone else's.

The room is dead silent in darkness as tension rises higher and higher. The need to work harder pulsing through everyone's veins. The words of Oikawa Tooru ringing through everyone's minds.

"Y-you g-guys were o-on i-i-in the very beginning— you looked cool!" The faculty member says trying to lighten the dead, cold atmosphere.

"Thank you Sensei," Daichi finally says. "Lets go," he turns around with dead cold eyes as the rest of the team walks away, taking the dark atmosphere with them.
"Nee-chan... who exactly is Oikawa Tooru?" You ask your sister as you two walk home.

"You don't know him?"

"I know OF him but I'm not all too familiar with him..." you fake laugh rubbing your neck.

"Well Oikawa Tooru is Aoba Josai's captain and the driving force of Aoba Josai." Kiyoko explains.

"He looks like a flirt," you talk to yourself.

"Its not any of my business, but he has his own fan club of girls," Kiyoko says as you react in disgust.

"I haven't even met this Oikawa in person and I already feel sick," you say, fake gagging.

You and Kiyoko laugh as you two continue your journey home.

—The Next Day—

"Well a hello to you miss, and who might you be?" A voice calls out to you, sounding all too familiar. You turn around to find a 6 foot tall man in a Aoba Josai uniform.

"Huh?" You say in disgust.

"I'm Oikawa Tooru and you must be one of Karasuno's managers. What is your name?"

"Why does it matter to you?" You say crossing your arms.

"Ah... I'm guessing you saw the news last night..."

"Yeah. I did... Karasuno has been working hard all season and we will beat you guys." You say with confidence.

"Oi, shittykawa. Leave the poor girl alone." a boy with spiked hair hits Oikawa across the head.

"Owww Iwa-chan that isn't very nice," Oikawa says rubbing his newly formed bruise.

"I apologize uh—"

"(Name). Shimizu (Name)..."

"(Name)-san. I'm Iwazumi Hajime, please do ignore this shit head if he ever bothers you or don't hesitate to kick him." He gives you a small smile.

You laugh quietly as Oikawa cries while Iwazumi drags him inside the gym. Kiyoko touches your shoulder and motions you to come inside. As you look around at the stands, you see the crowd of people in the color of Aoba Josai cheering loudly for their school.

With everyone in seats and the sound of a whistle begins the start of the Aoba Josai's and Karasuno's match.


Author's Note

Sorry this chapter is so short... I plan on making the next chapter much longer... but because Ive recently been having writers block Ill be making some small side stories with Tsukishima and the reader so look forward to that!!

- Shortcake 

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