Chapter 24 | Bruised

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Back in school, everything seems to go slowly. Classes are boring, theres not much going on. As per usual, you don't pay attention and doodle faces on the margins of your notes. You lean the side of your head on your arm and look at Tsukishima, who is actually taking notes. You sit up and turn to a new page and write a message swiftly. You tap the blonde's broad shoulder.

You raise your notebook: "do you have food, I'm hungry"

Tsukishima takes your notebook and scribbles a response; "yeah, but you can eat your own food during lunch"


"Pay attention in class"

"But im hungry!!! :(("

"You're going to get us in trouble"

"Fine, since you won't give me food you can be forced to hang out with me during lunch (and maybe i can steal your food)"

"I can't. I have something to do."

"Whaat!? You've been so busy lately! I just want to hang out"

"Don't you have your boyfriend for that?"

"I don't know... I haven't talked to Misawa in a while so hang out with me!! >:(("

"So I'm just a replacement for your boyfriend?"

You look at Tsukishima who raises his eyebrow, awaiting an answer.

"Not!!!! You're my friend and I want to hang out!! >:00"

Tsukishima chuckles and draws on your paper. He circles around with the tip of his pencil. He passes it back to you and you see a drawing of a dinosaur.

"Stick to volleyball" you write back.

"Whatever. Like you could do better"

"Is that a challenge?" You and Tsukishima exchange a smirk.

For the rest of class you and the middle blocker stay in your own bubble, passing your notebook back and forth, filling up pages with doodles and messages. Eventually, lunch arrived and Tsukishima waved you a goodbye as you and Yamaguchi stay in the classroom to eat.

"Yamaguchi, where do you think Tsukishima goes every lunch?" You take a bite of a strawberry.

"I'm not sure, why?"

"Just curious, he seems so busy" you stand up. "Well I'll be right back, bathroom break"

You exit the classroom and head over to the restrooms. While washing your hands under the running water, you hear the boys from outside murmuring.

"Who is that guy who is always hanging out with Shimizu-senpai?"

"Tsukishima Kei, apparently hes in the volleyball club."

"Considering theyve been eating lunch together this whole week, I think they're dating"

Dating? Kiyoko and Tsukishima?

"Lucky bastard, Shimizu is a catch."

You walk past the boys. "Isn't that Shimizu's sister?"

"She has a sister?"

"Talk about a downgrade"

You try to drown out their talking by covering your ears. All you have to do is walk back to your classroom and eat. Just ignore it.

Invisible | Tsukishima Kei x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now