Chapter 15 | The Little Brother

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author's note: I might skip around on things. sorry if some parts aren't accurate

"Woah! Tokyo!" Your eyes light up in excitement holding your bag. Tsukishima comes up from behind you and messes your hair up. 

"Pay attention where you're going" Tsukishima smirks.

"Shut it Beanstalk" You pick up a pebble and attempt to throw it. The pebble lands on the dirt next to him.

"Don't even." You glare at him intensely before he even has the chance to speak. You walk past Tsukishima with your bag hitting him while you pass. Tsukishima pauses then throws his bag to the ground and begins to chase you.

"SHIT! GET AWAY!" You scream, trying to out run the tall first year. Tsukishima catches up to you and before he has a chance to grab you a Nekoma interrupts.

"Tsukki!" Kuroo yells

"Oh god not you..." Tsukishima stops, giving you a chance to escape. You run away laughing.

"Could that be? THE SKY TREE!" Tanaka and Nishinoya yell in unison.

"Nope. It's a transmission tower"

You turn your attention over to the yelling duo. Kuroo begins to laugh while holding his stomach, making you giggle.

A familiar looking boy comes up behind the laughing dork. "Kuroo I got my bags where do I go?"

The boy trails off when he makes eye contact with you. "(Name)?..."

You look around confused. "Me?"

"Oh I'm sorry." The boy approaches you. "I'm Misawa Testuro. We met at the movies."

Your eyes widen in realization. "Oh! It's you! What are you doing here?"

"Well my brother, Kuroo, is playing in the Tokyo away games so I thought why not come along?" Misawa smiles. "What are you doing here?"

"Well I help my sister manage Karasuno's volleyball club so I had to come." You look away, uneasy mentioning your sister.

"Well thats great! We'll see each other more often then" Misawa notices your bag on the ground and picks it up and hands it to you.

"Oh thanks!" you smile.

"I have to go but I'll see around okay?" Misawa winks at you and walks away.

Yachi runs over to you. "Who was that (Name)-chan?!"

"Oh he's Kuroo-kun's younger brother." You dust off the dirt on your bag.

"He has a younger brother?" Yachi looks at Misawa. "He doesn't really look like him... but he is kind of cute.."

"Woah Yachi...." You elbow her with a smirk.

"Oh please (Name)-chan he's into you." Yachi says pushing your elbow away.

"Yeah right. If any boy is into me they're into Kiyoko." You laugh to yourself.

"What do you mean?" Yachi says puzzled.

"Oh uhh it's nothing at all!" You force a laugh and quickly change the subject. "So... when are Hinata and Kageyama coming?"

"I'm not sure actually.... They have to take their supplementary exams." Yachi says. "And don't change the subject tell me!"

You laugh and push Yachi to Kiyoko. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi stare at you two as Yamaguchi smiles. 

"Please Yamaguchi. You're drooling." Tsukishima turns to his childhood friend.

"O-Oh... Sorry Tsukki. Uh who was that guy (Name)-chan was talking to? He seems to like her a lot" Yamaguchi questions.

"I don't who likes her or not." Tsukishima says giving a cold stare, but not taking his eyes off of you.

"Doesn't look like it." Nishinoya teases walking by.

"Tch." Tsukishima walks away. Yamaguchi follows


"Hey (Name)!" A certain pudding head approaches you with a small smile on his face. 

"Hey Kenma-kun!"

"Did you remember to bring back my game I let you borrow?" 

"Oh yes! It's right here--" You take out the game but a hand snatches it away. "What the hell?"

A tall foreign looking boy stands over you smiling with eyes just like a cat. Kenma's face drops.

"Lev, give it back." Kenma says trying to reach for the game.

"Lev? Is that Russian?" You ask.

"Smart girl," Lev says handing the case to Kenma. Kenma wraps his arms around the game and hisses.

"Down kitty." Kuroo comes over as Kenma continues to hiss. He looks at you. "Hey there little Shimizu, how's your sister doing?"


"Kuro that isn't nice..." Kenma says defending you.

"What do you mean. Her sister is a catch. Little Shimizu is a close second" The Nekoma captain sneers.

You clench your fist. Tsukishima walks over noticing you digging your finger nails into your palms. You open your mouth to speak but Tsukishima intervenes. "What's going on here?"

"Oh Beanstalk--"

"It's okay Tsukki I was just joking around." Kuroo's attempt to pat the beanstalk on the back is blocked by Tsukishima's hand. 

"It's not funny." He gives Kuroo a cold stare. The first year pushes Kuroo away with force.

"Woah what is going on! Leave my brother alone." Misawa steps in front of Kuroo who is smirking.

"Oh my god is there a fight already?" one of the managers from the other school pops up.

Your eyes widen thinking of a fight starting. You jump in front of Tsukishima, facing him. His eyes widen from shock and you struggle to push him back.

"What are you trying to do?" Tsukishima laughs. "You're too weak."

Your face flushes from embarrassment and you pout. "Shut up you tall piece of shit...."

"Yeah yeah. I know no fighting." Tsukishima pats your head.

"Good" You smile walking away.

Tsukishima heads towards your direction but stops and turns to Kuroo. "Say things like that again and there will be a problem."

Misawa looks at Tsukishima with a glare as he walks away to you. Tsukishima catches it out of the corner of his eye and turns around. Misawa's expression quickly changes to a bubbly smile to a cold stare as Tsukishima makes his way to you. Tsukishima smiles as you as you attempt to hit him. The young Testuro's eyebrows lower. Misawa takes out a photo from his pocket and holds it tightly and looks up. His eyes filled with determination for one goal. 

"Keep smiling at her Kei.. You and her won't be smiling for long." Misawa Testuro, Kuroo's younger brother's frown turns up to a sneer. "This is going to be fun."

To Be Continued

Author's Note

HEY Hey hEY!

I have finished another chapter woop! I might not actually write a lot about the matches unless they have to do something with Tsukishima's arc so thats just a heads up!

Thanks for reading as always!

- Shortcake

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