Chapter 6 | The Loss

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author's note: apologies if any of these things are inconsistent compared to the anime. I, being the lazy person that I am cant remember everything that happens.

The final whistle rings throughout the whole gym, causing an uproar of cheering from Aoba Josai. The boys of the Karasuno High school Volleyball club lying on the floor, sweat rolling down the side of the temple as if it was a waterfall. Shock pulsing through their veins. 

"T-This can't be it..." You say, holding back tears.

"(Name)..." Kiyoko reaches for your shoulder.

"No!" You yell. "THE BOYS WORKED SO HARD FOR THIS AND THEY--" You see your sister's hurt face. "They should have won..." You say, with a raspy voice falling into Kiyoko's arms.

You and Tsukishima share a glance, you see a hint of worry across his face, but immediately goes away.

The boys line up to shake hands. You see Hinata with his head down, hesitant to shake. "Hinata..." you mumble.

Your focus turns to Kageyama who, now walking back, biting his lip as if he was holding back tears.

"Kiyoko..." you say worried over the two boys who look like the loss impacted them the most.

"Don't worry (Name), they'll be fine." she gives you a hug.

"Yeah..." but you can't help but worry.


"Thanks for the food," everyone says, one by one.

"Thank you for the food..." you say quietly grabbing your chopsticks. 

One by one, as they all start eating. Tears flow down all of their faces. The time spent holding back tears is spent while the boys fuel up. All except the tall middle blocker who is sitting across from you, eyes on you. You and Tsukishima share eye contact lasting what seems like a life time. You half smile making Tsukishima ajust his glasses.

It has been a long... long day, the Karasuno Volleyball club has been through a lot, finally near the end of it, they are all together as one team.

"Kiyoko.... I wanted to know... Does this mean this is the last game for the third years?... You???" You ask.

"No... There is still one more tournament."

"Another chance to beat Aoba Josai" You tighten your fists.


"No... We are all going to work harder. I may not be able to help in game but I can try to give all my support to the boys. I hope that we beat Aoba Josai and be able to go to Nationals. We'll show them all." You smile.

"(Name) you really are so positive." Kiyoko gives you a big hug. "Okay. I'll work hard to as the manager."

"About that Kiyoko... Who is going to take over for you once you're gone?"

"Oh... I was thinking maybe you could?...."

"I'm flattered really and I would love to but... I feel like we need one more person to help..."

"Good idea. I'll get on that as soon as possible."

You nod in agreement and start to fidget with your hands.

"So... (Name)... I saw you looking at Tsukishima-San...."

Your face flushes up and you clear your throat. "Uh.. I don't know what you are talking about my dear sister. I was uh.... daydreaming??"

"While staring at him and smiling?" She teases.

"AHem. I'll have you know that I barely know Beanstalk and even if I even had any interest in him it wouldn't matter."

"Who said anything about being interested in him?" 

Your face turns a bright red in embarrassment. "Sh-Shut up Kiyoko"

She laughs as you sweat nervously. 

"I'm just kidding (Name). I know you guys barely know eachother and maybe you guys should hang out more so you guys can maybe start getting along."

"Pfft. Me getting along with that saltine cracker? Please you must be joking" You skip ahead to open your front door.

"Saltine cracker?...." Kiyoko mumbles in confusement as she follows you.

"Good morning Beanstalk!" You say sitting down next to the middle blocker. He ignores you as usual.

"G-Good morning (Name)-chan!" Yamaguchi says.

"Yamaguchi-kun!! Its great to see you. How is it going?"

"It's fine... I mean I'm still bummed out about the last match.... but thats all in the past. I plan on working even harder for my serves."

"Yes Yamaguchi.... You're so inspiring." You say wiping a tear from your eye.

"What the hell are you crying for." Tsukishima says interrupting the conversation.

"Hmph. At least I have emotions. You're like a robot but made with extra salt." You say crossing your arms. "You didnt even react to us losing to Aoba Josai."

"Why does it matter though? Its just a club." Tsukishima mumbles the last part.

"Wait what—" 

"Sit down everyone, class will begin soon." The teacher says putting down her books.

You glance at Tsukishima, resting your chin in your hand. 'What did he mean when he said It's just a club? Is he not putting in any effort at all?'  You think to yourself. You brush off the thought and decide to focus in class, yet in the back of your mind, you are a bit worried. 

To Be Continued.....

Author's Note

Hey Hey Hey!

This isnt as long as I was hoping to make this chapter but I want to focus more on Tsukishima and the readers relationship next chapter and I plan to make it longer than this. 

As always thank you so much for reading and I'm sorry if there are mistakes I'm writing this in the middle of the night in the dark. 

- Shortcake 

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