Chapter 26 | Web of Lies

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"Tsukishima's awake" you wipe the few tears you have as you sit down right next to his side. You put your hand in his. "I'm here"

Your fingers interlock as the middle blocker's eyes open slightly. The first actual movement.... baffling you.

"Akiteru..." Tsukishima eyes trace across the room.

"It speaks!"

His eyes shift to you. "Who.... are you?"


"Do I know you?"

"I-Its me, (Name)..?" Your heart beats seem to pound louder and louder.

could he have really forgotten you?

"I don't recall...."

His face surely looks like it....

You feel your face heating up as your eyes become misty. "You're kidding, right?"

"Yeah" the boy turns his head to the window.

It takes you a few moments to process his words. "Wait.... HEY!"

Tsukishima starts chuckling as you pout.

"If its going to be like that I'll just leave" you stand up

"How are you going to do that while holding my hand?" the corner of his mouth lifts as he raises your interlocked hands. Your face turns red quickly as you try to think of a comeback.

The doctor rushes in with your sister. "I'm sorry miss, I have to ask you to leave so I can run tests on him."

"I understand" you feel Tsukishima's grip on your hand tighten slightly. You smile, "Ill be back after, don't miss me too much"

"Says you" he smirks as your face flushes, again.

"I'll be leaving now" you puff out your cheeks in slight anger as you make your way out to the waiting area. You smile sitting down, feeling as if things have never changed.

Sadly, it doesn't work like that. Theres so much that needs to happen for things to be considered normal again.


What felt like forever (in actuality, 2 days), doctors run multiple tests on Tsukishima, checking his vitals and memory, everything checking out.

"(Name), do you know what you're going to do about Misawa?" Yamaguchi asks as you two stand outside the hospital, awaiting the middle blocker's release.

"Actually, yeah." You clear your throat. "I told him to come here to talk..."


"Uh... now" speaking of the devil, Misawa walks up to you and your freckled friend with his hands in his pockets.

"(Name).." he begins.

"Not here."


Only the sound of gravel is heard as you Misawa and you walk to the side of the building.

"Okay. Talk."

"I'm glad to know Tsukishima woke up..."

"After you threw him out the window"

"He started the fight (Name)! He—"

"I know why he did it though" you glare.

The boy's eyes stay wide with a blank expression as nothing seems to come out.

"Nothing to say for yourself?" You raise your eyebrow.

"She was a friend"

"Oh really? A friend? You just happened to be kissing with on accident I guess" you hiss.

Invisible | Tsukishima Kei x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now