9. The Storm

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Things were supposed to change. The circus was supposed to add a new perspective of life. People were supposed to learn how to appreciate differences.

But instead, things seemed to have gotten worse.

The verbal abuse turned into physical abuse in the matter of seconds.

W.D. swung, and a chain reaction followed. The circus members came out of nowhere running into the brawl and fought the other men. Phillip tried to stop it. 

It was Chaos. Complete chaos.


"And then the one with the moustache. Oh it was horrendous." Mrs. Wilson laughed.

Rosette rolled her eyes sitting back in her chair watching as her parents and the Wilsons made jokes about the circus, acting as if Rosette wasn't even there. But she's used to the feeling.

The only thing that made her realize that she was infact present and not in some horrid nightmare was James hand that was on her shoulder, which he squeezed each time he would laugh.

"Rosette darling. How do you even put up with them, you must have a load of shame by even standing next to them let alone performing." Her mother continued laughing.

"Well it's obvious our Rosette is only doing it out of kindness. Her presence is probably the only reason that asylum is still open." Her father announced.

"You know love. Once were married I will have to forbid you from stepping foot near those freaks. Especially that Carlyle, something's fishy about that boy." James told her.

Rosette rolled her eyes, chugging down the rest of her glass.

"You know, I've always wondered why you were such a peculiar child. Maybe James can straighten you out." Mrs. Wilson informed.

"Rosette dear, you really have to get your act together. You may not care what people think of you. But you're father and I have to go through pins and needles to not put shame to our family."

Rosette finally began tuning them out. She thought that after she stood up for Anne that her parents would get the message. But they ignored it, pushed it aside; like they always did. Now she was trying her best to focus on a happy place. Think of sunny days with mild winds. Fooling around with Phillip in the forest. Having fun with the circus acts. Anything but negativity.
And she almost did it. 

She almost kept her cool. 

But then James had to say one more thing that triggered all of her anger.

"It seems as if she doesn't have a brain. I don't blame her though, most woman never do."

Rosette quickly pushed out her chair and stood up, throwing James arm off of her.

"You know what? I do have a brain, a big one in fact. You however, have a brain thats the size of my thumbnail and your ego is far bigger than your head. That goes for all of you in fact. You are all cold heartless creatures. I question where your humanity even is sometimes. I am sick and tired of sitting here letting you talk complete giberish about things you have no clue about. I am free to do what I please for I am an adult. And as an adult I won't hold back anymore. I love Phillip Carlyle. I don't love James and I will not marry James. I will ever marry you, I pity the woman that will have to. You all can do what you please without me here, I stand for myself. Not for you, not for anyone."

Everyone stared at her. Their mouths agape as Rosette breathed heavily. 

Rosette's head snapped to the window as she saw numerous police cars and fire trucks passing by the small resturaunt, followed by a few people.

She furrowed her eyebrows turning back to grab her coat.

"Rosette, what do you think your doing." Her father grabbed her wrist.

"Making my own choice." Rosette took her engagement ring off and dropped it in her fathers hand ignoring the Wilsons horrid faces and her mothers gasp as she made her way out of the building.

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