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A New Year Wish [新年の願い]

"new year, new love."

I sat tiredly as Ayumi dug through my closet

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I sat tiredly as Ayumi dug through my closet. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she pulled out every suitable outfit that she felt would fit me as I sat in my chair, unable to stop the inevitable. After all, Ayumi loved clothes. Maybe even more than her boyfriend. Trust me, hanging out with her at a shopping mall will result in a day of competing who can carry the most shopping bags. Maybe that was why it was hard for her to find a boyfriend despite her flawless figure and face.

"Chi-Chan..." She started off as she looked triumphantly across the bed, where all the choices lay across the bed. "Your choice of clothes are abnormally strange."

Her voice grew darker. I bashfully scratched my head and looked at her nervously.

"That's why I'm your best friend Chi-Chan!" She said as she sprints out of my room and slid towards the sofa. I followed her, and immediately, she pulled out a long blue cotton flannel, a pair of denim skirt that reached my knees and a purple turtleneck shirt.

I sighed in relief and proceeded back to my room to rest on the bed. In the first place, if Ayumi had that many clothes on her, then what was the point of pulling basically everything out of my closet?

She tossed me the outfit she had in her hands and gestured me to change out of the mess I was in. In other words, my home clothes.

I put on the clothes Ayumi had given me and spaced out a little. I started rethinking about what had happened that day when I asked him to hang out on New Years. Spending sleepless nights thinking over and over again made me realise how foolish I was to ask him to hang out. He could have made plans with Yuri, maybe even with his family. I rubbed my head and sighed discontentedly.

"Chi-Chan? Are you still changing? What's taking you so long?" Ayumi knocks on my door endlessly until I gave in to her knocking.

Slowly, I cautiously opened the door, a little embarrassed to reveal the overall look. Impatiently, Ayumi swings open the door, causing me to stumble a little before catching my balance.

"CHI-CHAN YOU LOOK AMAZING! Although..." She pauses as she looked up and down and then to the side.


She spins me around and pushed my shoulder down, making me sit on the chair in front of her.

She grabbed some tools for making hairstyles from her box of various hair ties and other things that I was not familiar with. After all, I was confused by every single item other than clips and hair ties that existed in Ayumi's box.

"You have beautiful hair, Chi-Chan. So I'm going to take advantage of that!"

She said as she started styling my hair. As she styled, silence filled the room. I was trying hard not to give in to the pain that came while she braided my hair.

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