Chapter 19

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๑Chapter 19๑

Raven’s P.O.V.

Sighing, I push the doors open and enter Jayden’s house. I really can’t believe I managed to keep driving away after seeing Clark. I should have just rammed into his precious little car, not even caring if anything happened to me. Just as long that monster was gone, but I made a promise to my mom.

I still regret it but I know I can’t put more stress on her. Besides, even if I did crash into him, what if nothing happened to him and instead something happened to me? Then I would have left my mom to deal with him on her own, and I couldn’t risk that. So instead of wanting to make a U-turn and press the acceleration, I just kept driving away.

“Oh hey you’re back.” Jayden says as he enters the living room carrying Ian “What’s wrong?” he asks when he sees my face. I thought I would be able to hide my expressions from everyone, but I guess that didn’t work out so well.

“Nothing,” I say throwing him a smile. I don’t think it convinces him since he just furrows his brows even more. I turn around as I feel my eyes sting with unshed tears. No! I won’t let myself cry. I’ve done enough of that for more than a life time.

I quickly blink away the tears before anyone can see me.

“Hey, how about we go out with the guys?” Jayden ask as he puts his hand on my shoulder.

“Go out? Jayden, we have to look after Ian.” As much as I want to go out and have fun, we still have a school project to do.

“My mom can take care of him, I’m sure she won’t mind.”

“Your mom? No Jayden, don’t ask her that. We’re supposed to take care of Ian ourselves.”

“Mom!” Jayden calls her, ignoring my protest.

“Jayden! No! We can’t do that.”

“Yes?” Carmen asks while walking into the living room.

“We were wondering if you could watch over Ian so Raven and I could go out with the guys for a while.”

“Jayden stop! I’m sorry Mrs. Perez, but it’s fine, you don’t need to do that. Ian is our responsibility.”

“Oh come on Raven, even parents go out every once in a while.”

“I know that, but how could you think of leaving Ian with your mom. I’m sure she’s very busy and doesn’t have time to watch him. Besides you shouldn’t even be asking people to take care of him when we’re the ones who are supposed to be taking care of him.”

“I-” before Jayden can even answer, he is cut off by laughter. We both turn to the source and find Jayden’s mom wiping tears from her eyes as she laughs.

“I’m….sorry…it’s just… you two are worse than how Leonardo and I used to be,” she manages to say through her laughter. Jayden and I both give her a puzzled look but this only causes her to laugh even harder. “Oh, just forget it. Go on and have fun, I’ll watch over Ian.”


“Thanks mom.” Jayden says kissing his mother on the cheek, hands Ian over, and takes his phone out to make a few calls.

“What?” I repeat.

“Oh Raven, its fine. You two go out and have fun don’t worry.” She says giving me a smile.


“No buts’. Now go on.” Jayden’s mom shoos me out of the living room, not leaving me any chance to protest.

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