Chapter 24

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A\N: I'd like to dedicate this chapter to MM4lyfe8, thanks for reading and voting so many times :) really appreciate it. Well here's to you minnie me.


๑Chapter 24๑

Raven’s P.O.V.

            I woke up the next morning to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. Groaning and not bothering to look up, I reach over, trying to find the snooze button to turn the annoying radio host off. With one final groan, I get up to start my day, but wince as pain shoots through my entire body. Clark’s men sure did a number on me.

            Pushing past the pain, I get up and head to my bathroom to take a shower, without sparing a glance at the mirror to inspect the damage. Only after taking a nice warm shower did I dare inspect myself.

            “Well t-shirt and shorts are out of the question,” I say to myself looking at the bruises covering my skin. Taking one last glance, I head back to my room to change into a sweatshirt and jeans. Glancing at the clock I see I’m going to be late if I don’t leave soon, so with that in mind, I rush down to the kitchen and grab a breakfast taco that the staff prepared and I head out the door.

            Thankfully I was able to dodge Clark this morning and hopefully I will have the same luck later on today. I’m sure Clark would be furious seeing me up and walking around, since I’m sure he wasn’t planning on having me go to school today by how much his goons have beaten me.

            While munching on my taco and driving to school, I recall the event that took place yesterday. I feel sorry that Brian had to lose his life for making one mistake, but there isn’t anything I can do to change it, what’s done is done. It’s no use dwelling on the past.

            Right when I pull into the student parking lot, it hits me. I quickly get out of the car and searched under my seat for it, but just like I feared, it was not there. The gun Brian used yesterday. While I was dodging bullets yesterday, I forgot I let Brian borrow my spare gun and didn’t pick it up. Also, unless the client was smart enough he would have gotten rid of the body, but I wouldn’t put it past him to leave evidence to prove I was there, where a murder took place.

            I’m dead, I’m so dead. My life’s officially over now. They would have already found the body by now and would have already gotten my fingerprints from my gun, in a few hours, officers are going to barge into my class and arrest me for a murder that I didn’t even commit.

            I stay crouched down next to my car with my hands covering my face and keep muttering to myself about how my life is over. I’ll spend the rest of my life in prison, never again able to run free. I’m going to end up having to leave my mom alone with Clark and since I’d be out of the picture, who knows what he would do to her. I shudder at the shear thought of what he would do, knowing that he would have nothing stopping him.

            “Raven?” I jump as I feel two hands land on my shoulders. That’s it… they found me. I slowly stand up and turn around, but to my surprise, it isn’t the police but instead, it’s only Jayden and Aiden. I don’t know whether I should be relieved that I wasn’t going to get arrested yet or upset that these guys won’t leave me alone.

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