Chapter 17

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๑Chapter 17๑

Raven’s P.O.V.

I am awaken by the cries of a certain robotic baby, again. I snuggle into my pillow even more and begin to doze off, but Ian does not stop crying.

“Jayden, it’s your turn.” I mumble into my pillow. I hear him groan from the floor but he gets up anyway. He mutters under his breath as he stumbles over a few things but eventually makes his way to Ian and the crying soon stops.

I think I’ve only gotten about a total of three hours of sleep last night. Ian kept waking us up every few hours to feed him, and even though it wasn’t my turn to get up I was still awaken. I continued to toss and turn in bed but no matter how tired I was, I could not go to sleep.

I groan as I throw the blankets off of me. As I get up, a giant headache hits me from my lack of sleep. Off to the side I see a half awake Jayden rocking Ian back to sleep. The sight makes me laugh but I stop as Jayden throws a glare at me.

I quickly leave and go to the bathroom to see if splashing some cold water on my face will help. Looking in the mirror I notice that I have dark bags under my eyes: evidence of my lack of sleep.

Well if the point of this project was to show us how hard it is to take care of a baby and that we aren’t ready. Point made… no way am I going to having any kids anytime soon.

I make my way back to Jayden’s room I find him lying face down, snoring slightly, on his bed and Ian back to sleep in Gabby’s old crib. Deciding to annoy Jayden, I run and jump on top of him and I hear him groan.

“Raven if you don’t get off in three seconds I’m going to throw you off.” I hear Jayden says.


He wouldn’t.



“Three!” Jayden says as he throws me off of him. I scream as I begin to fall and land with a loud thump. We both tense up as we realize we could wake up Ian, but when he doesn’t cry, we sigh in relief.


“Great now look at what you did!” I say to Jayden.

“ME?! You’re the one who wouldn’t get off!”

“But you’re the one who threw me off!”

“Because you wouldn’t listen!”

“You didn’t need to throw me!”

“You didn’t need to scream!”

“I was falling! Of course I’m going to scream!”



Jayden’s P.O.V.

After we were finally able to put Ian back to sleep, Raven and I made our way to the kitchen for breakfast. We found my mother already up and cooking.

“Morning…” I mumble, yawning from the lack of sleep.

“Wow, you guys looks horrible. Did you sleep at all?” My mother asks. You can hear the humor in her voice.

“Oh ha ha.” I say as she hands both me and Raven a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon, and a cup of orange juice.

“Thanks.” Both Raven and I say at the same time. We sit down at the island bar and begin to munch away while trying to stay awake.

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