Chapter 15

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๑Chapter 15๑

Raven’s P.O.V.

 “Raven,” I’m awaken by someone slightly shaking me. Slowly opening my eyes, I look around and see I’m in an unfamiliar room. Panicking, I’m about to run to the door but then a pair of hands grab my arms.

“Calm down Raven, it’s me,” I hear Jayden say as he wraps his arms around me holding me still. Turning my head around, I come face to face with a concern looking Jayden. Wait what?! Blushing I wriggle out of his grasp and that’s when all the events that happened last night come rushing back. I stare, wide eyed, at Jayden.

“What did you see last night?” I try to sound firm but my voice breaks off at the end.

“Here, I asked my mom if she could buy you some extra clothes for school.” He put down a shopping bag-which I guess contained clothes-completely ignoring my question.

“Jayden” I say with a more serious tone. This is important I need to know what he saw, what he knows.

“Look I know you have your questions, and believe me I have some too. But not right now, let’s talk about this later.” He says as he runs his hand through his hair.

 I know I shouldn’t argue with him. He’s made up his mind. Sighing in defeat I take a peek into the bag he had put down trying to see what he brought.

“You didn’t have to get me clothes.” I say before we fall into an awkward silence.

“Well seeing as you didn’t have a change of clothes, I figured you would need something for school.”


“Jayden!” I hear the twins yell from down the hall and a few moments later their heads pop through the doorway.

“Raven!” They both grin when they see me but then knit their eyebrows in confusion. “We thought you left.”

“I finished what I had to do early.” I say shrugging my shoulders. They look at each other contemplating whether or not it’s a good enough excuse. Shrugging their shoulders they let the matter drop.

“Well hurry up breakfast is almost ready.” Robert says as he and his twin exit. When they leave Jayden and I look everywhere except at each other.

“Uh, can you leave? I need to change.” I finally say after what seems like an eternity passed by.

“Oh yea, sorry.” He mumbles and leaves. I take out the clothes Jayden gave me from the bag. There’s a pair of skinny jeans and a purple short sleeve shirt, completely opposite of my usual baggy jeans and sweatshirts. After changing I look at myself in the mirror, it feels different wearing these clothes but it doesn’t bother me much.

What does bother me though is the shirt, exposing all my bruises and wounds from last night. I need a jacket. Exiting the guest bedroom, I see Jayden’s room is right across the hallway. He wouldn’t miss one jacket right?

Sneaking into his room I make my way over to his closet in search for a jacket. I find five pullovers and decide on the navy blue one. Quickly putting it on, Jayden’s sent immediately hits it. I inhaled deeply, savoring the smell. Wait. What?!

I mentally slap myself and exit his room making my way over to the kitchen, where I find Carmen laying out our plates.

“Good morning Raven, I hope the clothes I picked out fit you.” She says as she takes her seat


It’s already lunch time, and I haven’t been able to concentrate all day. Aiden spend all of English class interrogating me about what happened last night but I just kept saying nothing. Mrs. Keller was telling us more information we needed for our essay, I think. I’m not sure, I’ll have to ask Aiden about it later.

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