Chapter 16

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๑Chapter 16๑

Raven’s P.O.V.

After countess hours of playing with Gabby, she’s finally tired out and getting ready for bed. I tucked her in and quickly left her bedroom.

“Well she’s out for the count.” I say to Jayden as I enter the game room. “Um do you think you could give me a ride?”

“You want to leave already?” he asks with what looks like disappointment in his eyes. Disappointment? Yea right.

“Yea got to talk to my mom about some things.”

“Alright then let’s go.”

The ride to Clark’s house is quiet but not awkward. More like a comfortable silence. But it is soon replaced with tension as we near our destination.

“I think It’d be wise if you parked a few houses down. I don’t want to take any chances having someone spot you giving me a ride.” I tell Jayden. He furrows his brows but obliges and parks about three houses down.

“Well, thanks.” And we both know there’s a double meaning.

“No problem and Raven remember I’m here for you.” He says as I climb out of his truck. I stared at him not sure if I could really put my faith into him, but decided that I’d just have to wait and see. With a final nod I shut his door and walk back to my prison.

Entering through the double doors I cautiously look both ways making sure there is no sign of Clark. Sighting as I don’t see him anywhere, I enter all the way and make my way to find my mom.

Sneaking around the house I finally find her in the library. Taking a careful look at her I’m relieved to see that she is not under the influence.


“OH RAVEN!” she cries out, rushing over to me and embraces me. “I thought Clark finally did something to you when I didn’t see you yesterday and all day today!” she says continuing to sob into my shoulder.

“Mom it’s okay, I’m fine. It’s just Clark was really ill tempered and I had to stay somewhere else for the night. I’m fine. I promise, he can’t get rid of me that easy.” I reassure her that I’m fine and return her hug. She continues to sob for a few minutes but her tears eventually subside.

“Well, now that the waterworks are over, I have to ask you something.”

“Sure go ahead.” My mother says as she wipes her dried tears from her face.

“Okay well there’s a class project where, with a partner, we have to take care of a robotic baby. And seeing how Clark gets, I can’t really do this project here. I was wondering if you would be okay with me staying over at his place, only until the project is over.”

Her brows crease together contemplating on what would be best.

“Sure, I don’t see why you shouldn’t, seeing as there isn’t any other option.”

“Yea but will you be okay with me gone for the weekend. I could still pop in for a few hours every day.”

“Oh sweetie, don’t worry about me. You go ahead and keep your studies up. Do whatever you need to make sure you get a proper education.” She says giving me a reassuring smile. I search her eyes to see if I can find any doubt, but I don’t find any. I sigh as I see she wouldn’t want me to bother her if it would disturb any of my school work.

“Alright then, we start tomorrow so I’m going to have to go ahead and pack.” I say standing up. My mother stands as well and gives me a brief hug before returning to the novel she was reading.

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