Chapter 21

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Had Cenek been a fly on the wall of Alexander's house, he would have been greatly disappointed. It wasn't that Alexander and Greta didn't clash against each other's wills, but more because the clash of wills came at the airport, two hours from Alexander's property.

"Greta, you will ride with me," Alexander said for the second time. This time, however, he put the stone-cold steel into his voice so that the female human in front of him would know that the only wise course of action would be to listen to him.

Instead of obeying the order, Greta put her hand on her hip and turned her perfected teacher stare on Alexander. "You and I have the same authority. We are both leaders." Her voice was low because she didn't want random humans picking up on what would be a very odd conversation. "I have agreed that it would be safest for Patrick and Isabella if we stayed on your property. But that is where it ends with you stealing my authority from me. I will drive my students back with me because I have a car here, and because I refuse to be stuck on anyone's land. Arguing with me will not change my mind and will only increase our time here. Now, either you let me drive my students with me, or I will find a different clan to stay with. The choice is yours."

"I've been alive long enough to know that it's not a real choice you're giving me, Greta Klassen."

"Then we're even. Your choice for me was no better. But I took the obvious one because I knew it was right for the students." She sighed deeply. "Now, I'm assuming that you will be allowing me to drive. It's a great choice."

Alexander grabbed Greta's arm before she was able to turn around. "You may drive because I will not get into an argument with you here in public. However, you will follow me to my property. If you deviate from the path that I set for you, I will drag you out of your car and force you into mine, with you kicking and screaming if I have to. That, of course, will make Patrick feel the need to protect you, which means he will attack me..."

"And then you will kill him to protect yourself," Greta finished. Her voice was nonchalant, but her eyes showed the concern she had for her young charge. "I will follow you." This time it was Greta who grabbed Alexander's arm when he turned to go. "Do not threaten my students again, do you understand? I will do as you say because I intend on keeping those two safe until their fathers can once more take them. But I will not have Patrick and Isabella think that I am only listening to you for their safety. I am only listening to you for their safety," Greta quickly put in, "but I don't want them aware of it."

Alexander didn't bother to acknowledge Greta but instead turned to the Lycan standing guard over the private plane that he and Greta had just stepped off to have the discussion without the children overhearing. He gestured to the man, indicating that the children could come down from the plane. He turned again to Greta. "You will follow me, and Ivan will follow you. I will not let any harm come to you or your charges."

"Thank you," Greta said seriously. She knew where her limitations lay. If men like the ones who had kidnapped her and the children in the first place were after the children, she would need the protection Alexander would provide. At least for six months. Once the six months were over and the children were safely back in their own clans, she would cease to be under Alexander's control. It was only for the children.

Greta tried to convince her heart of that as she walked silently with the children to her car. For some reason her traitorous heart seemed thrilled at the idea of staying so close to Alexander, but her reasoning and stubbornness would win out. Six months, she told herself. She would stay for six months and not one day more.

"Miss Klassen?" Isabella asked once the car had pulled away from the airport, and there was some distance between them and Alexander.

Greta looked in the review mirror at her student. "What is it, Isabella?"

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