Chapter 40

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Here is a second chapter to make up for the long period of silence. Hope you enjoy it!

Greta tried to stop her leg that bounced from the worry that was building up in her body. Thirteen hours had passed since she had found out that Alexander was walking into a trap. Thirteen long, excruciating hours as her mind had nothing better to do than to conjure up every possible scenario Alexander was in, and not a single scenario ended well. "Are we there yet?"

Ivan looked at Greta through the rearview mirror. "I know the wait is bothering you, Greta, but I can't make it go any faster. We are not going to attempt to seize the house in the middle of the day. They would see us coming, and we would have no chance. Our best bet is tonight. It's only four hours. And we won't even be waiting all that time. We will hit Greece in an hour, and then we have to get to the location."

"And you think Alex will be there? You don't think he found some other information about Karolynn and went someplace else?"

"No, Greta. If Karolynn wasn't at the location, or if she had been and had left some other clue to her new whereabouts, Alex would have called me and let me know. He wouldn't leave his clan in the wind, and he certainly wouldn't have left without calling you."

The car plunged into silence. For a while, Greta just passed the time staring out the window without seeing any of the scenery. After several minutes, she broke the silence again, this time asking the question that had been weighing on her mind since Patrick had told her what had happened. "Ivan, will you answer my next question truthfully?"

Ivan narrowed his brows. "I'm a Lycan, Greta. We don't lie. As for your question, no, I don't think so."

"No, you don't think I can ask it?"

"No, I don't think Alex is dead," Ivan clarified. He studied her in the mirror again. "That was going to be your question, right? You were going to ask me if I thought Alex was already dead."

"I was. You really think he's not dead?"

"Like I saw, I'm a Lycan. We don't lie. As for being dead, no I don't think he is. First of all, he wouldn't dare die and leave you alone. Secondly, if William and Karolynn had already killed Alex, they would have made it known to us. That is not something they would have been able to keep a secret. Even if they could, the other Lycans in the clan certainly wouldn't have been able to. Alex is a legend in the Lycan world, and if someone were to take him out, that news would spread all over the Lycan world. So, again, I'll tell you I don't think he's dead."

Greta noticed that her knee stopped bouncing at Ivan assurance. She didn't think that words would have worked so well, but she was finding out that they had soothed some of her deeper concerns.

Again the car descended into silence, and this time Greta didn't break it. She sat back in the seat and just let the time slowly sink around her. She thought time would never pass, but soon the car was slowing down.

"We're nearly there," Ivan announced, more for the benefit of the woman in the back. "We will park the vehicles here and move in on foot. We can be quieter that way, and I don't want our presence to be detected unless there is no option."

At first, Greta wasn't a fan of Ivan's plan of walking in on foot when the cars would have been faster, but she changed her mind once she started walking. The exercise loosened up the muscles in her body that had only been increasing in tension, and it gave something for her body to do and her mind to focus on.

With night falling, most humans would have found it difficult to keep up the fast pace Ivan had set, but with her Lycan sight, she had no problem dodging the fallen trees and small molehills around.

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