Chapter 37

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Patrick bristled as the Lycan standing guard near the door put his hand on his shoulder to stop him. Despite controlling his anger as best he could, Patrick could feel the hair on the back of his neck begin to grow, a clear sign his Lycan side was pushing through. "Move!" Patrick ordered as he pushed the hand off his shoulder.

"You will not order me, young Lycan."

Again he bristled, and again he forced his Lycan side down as much as was possible, which wasn't very much when he noticed his hands were covered in fur. Patrick wasn't surprised at the way the foreign Lycan addressed him. Patrick didn't know the Lycan, and therefore figured the Lycan didn't know him. "Move," Patrick ordered again. "Miss Klassen is my leader, and I have every right to see her."

"That's not entirely accurate," Alexander said, coming up behind Patrick and laying a hand on the young boy's shoulder. "Lycan law says that you are allowed access to your leader when the leader is on his, or in this case, her clan's property. As you notice, Greta is in a room that is on my property."

Patrick shrugged Alexander's hand off. Despite having lived with Alexander as his ipso facto leader, the man still frightened Patrick, and he could understand how Alexander's rough reputation had flourished in the Lycan world. However, Patrick wasn't going to let that stop him from getting to Greta. "Alex, I want to see Greta."


Patrick didn't let Alexander finish; he simply interrupted him. "She is my leader, and if you deny me access to her, I will assume she is in danger from you, and I will attack you, and anyone else who gets in my way. Lycan Law is on my side in this."

"You can't think to attack Waslow," the unknown Lycan said. "Even if you succeeded, which we both know you won't, he has his entire clan here behind him."

"She is my leader." Patrick shot the Lycan a glare that he had learned from Greta, and then turned to Alexander. "I want to see her now."

Alexander cleared his throat. "If you hadn't interrupted me before, you would have heard that Greta has been asking for you. In fact, I was looking for you on your leader's property. You weren't there," he said accusingly.

Patrick shrugged his shoulders. He knew he was supposed to stay on Greta's side of the manor. He knew that trespassing on another clan's property could get him killed, but none of that mattered since he was looking for Greta. When Alexander hadn't moved a step from where he was, Patrick looked pointedly at him. "Well, I'm ready."

"I'm a leader of my own clan," Alexander reminded him. "You might want to watch how you talk to me, or I may teach you a lesson you won't forget."

Instead of quivering in his boots as he should have, Patrick let a slow smile creep on his face. "Well, you could certainly try, but my leader would be thoroughly disappointed in you. And the one thing we have in common is that neither of us want to disappoint Miss Klassen."

Throwing his head back, Alexander let out a loud laugh. "You have that right." He turned to the Lycan standing in the hall. "Jeff, both Patrick and Isabella will always have access to Miss Klassen as she is their leader."

With that said, Alexander turned the doorknob and pushed open the door and then waved his hand to usher Patrick into the room first. He followed the young Lycan into the room. He nearly tripped over Patrick when the boy stopped in midstride halfway through the door. "Careful there," Alexander said. He stepped around the boy. "So, as you have just figured out, your leader is now a Lycan."

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