Chapter 27

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Greta knocked on Alexander's office door, or what one of Alexander's men said was his office door. She waited for him to call her in before pushing open the door and stepping into the secluded office. "Can I come in, Alexander?" she asked.

Alexander stood up as soon as Greta stepped into the room, the manners from a period long ago forcing his actions. "I thought you were ignoring me."

It had been four days since they had been back from New York, and Greta had forced herself to stay in her wing of the property and not find Alexander. The first two days she had kept herself busy grading all of her lessons and planning for the rest of the year. The third day had been near impossible, but she managed to stay away from Alexander. On day four, she finally admitted to herself that she would not be able to last the day without seeing him. So she set out to find him. "Well, you had been a jerk in New York."

"Jerk?" Alexander had never heard the term applied to him. "I am a leader, Greta. I deserve respect from you."

"Well, when you start treating me like a leader, I will start treating you like a leader."

"Sit," Alexander ordered, deciding to change the subject before he started down that path with Greta. "I'm glad you came to find me. I was actually on my way to find you. We need to talk."

"That sentence sends terror through anyone's body when they hear it." Greta sat down, smoothing her skirt down as she crossed her legs. "However, there happens to be things that I want to talk to you about. So this is good."

Instead of taking his seat behind his desk like he normally would have, Alexander moved to sit in the chair next to Greta. He could feel his blood pressure even out as he neared his mate. He didn't like having Greta away from him for such a long time. If she had waited any longer, he would have gone to find her. He didn't like that she was on break. At least during school, he had seen her every day.

"Why were those men after me?"

Alexander was not expecting the question, so it took him a second to understand whom she was talking about. New York. Although it was only four days ago, it seemed as if years had passed. Leaning back in the chair, he rested his ankle on his knee. "It's because you're a leader, Greta."

"So are you," Greta pointed out. "They didn't go after you. Well, they didn't go after you until I brought them there, and they attacked you. But I've never seen anyone go after you."

Alexander sighed heavily. "Every clan has a leader, but not just anyone can become a leader. Aside from having Lycans willingly hand over their allegiance to someone, the only way to become a leader is to take over a leader's clan. Since most Lycans don't just hand over their allegiance, the easiest way to get a clan is to kill a leader and take his position. And don't take any offence at this, but you, my dear, have the easiest target on your back."

Greta felt the involuntary shiver creep up her back. "I think I liked it better when you sugarcoated things around me."

"Yeah, I did, too, and then you left the hotel and put yourself in danger," Alexander reminded her. "Now you get the truth, completely uncoated."

"How many people want to become leaders?"

"Greta..." Alexander started, realizing when he heard her fear that he probably should have sugarcoated a bit of what he was saying.

Greta interrupted him. "How did they even know I was there? How did they get my phone number? Who in their right might would want to be a leader with this hanging over their heads?" She got very quiet and turned to look Alexander squarely in the eyes. "How did you become leader?"

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