Chapter 23

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Thanks, everyone, for reading the story. There are so many great compliments. I'm so glad that you all love the story. I've had the most fun writing it, and I'm glad I get to share that with others. 

I hope you enjoy this new chapter.

"Head inside and start your homework," Greta said to Patrick and Isabella as she pulled into the underground garage. "At six, we have to head back to the school..."

"For the game," Patrick said.

Greta nodded her head. "Yes, for the game," she agreed. She was glad to see that the students were still able to find joy in everyday activities. She was also glad that they were going to the game that night. Both of the fathers were going to come and that would allow Patrick and Isabella to see their families, if only for the night.

She sighed and rested her head on the steering wheel for a moment of peace as the children headed inside to do her bidding. A month had past. Actually five weeks, meaning that, including the time in Prague, she was a month and a half done with being a Lycan leader. It hadn't been all bad, but she was looking forward to no longer being in charge of two Lycan children, as well as not being under the watchful eye of Alexander.

She pushed aside the thought of Alexander. Her reaction to him was getting worse and worse every day. Her heart beat faster with just the thought of his name. When she was in the same room with him, she lost all track of her thoughts. Her brain become like mush, her legs like limp noodles, and her determination was no longer existent. She was like a hopeless teenager in love with a movie star. She would just steer clear of Alexander. She didn't have a problem with him during the day when she was at school and he was protecting her. Actually, she rarely saw him, but despite that, she knew he was always close by. It was after her charges were put in bed and she went to find Alexander to talk about the day that she felt the intense urge to jump him. And Alexander wasn't helping any. He would touch her with his rough fingertips, igniting passion with the trail they left behind on her cheek or her arm or wherever Alexander decided to rest his hand.

She was helpless.

Sighing heavily, she slipped out of the car. She would have to find her will-power and stay away from Alexander. It was the only solution she could think of.

"You've been drinking coffee again."

Of course her will-power and determination would last longer if Alexander wouldn't pop up in random places, especially when she was alone. Sighing heavily, she leaned against her car. "How can you always tell?" Greta asked, wishing that she was locking lips with him instead of carrying on a benign conversation. Of course, that thought only lead to the thought she had just agreed upon in the car. She had to stay away from Alexander.

Alexander shrugged. "Humans and Lycans both lose their scent once coffee is introduced into the body." He successfully trapped Greta between the car and his body. He knew what he was doing, and he knew that Greta was trying desperately to pretend that she felt no attraction to him, but she was his mate. It probably would have helped if she knew what mates were and that Alexander was her mate, but until she learned about them, she wouldn't quite understand why she was so strongly pulled to Alexander. He liked to see her fight against it, knowing full well that he would win in the end. well they would both win in the end. He may be playing with Greta, but more often than not his actions ended up getting him burned as Greta walked away from him.

Yet, Greta was his mate, and Alexander was as pulled to her as she was to him. He couldn't stay away from her. He wanted her and needed her. For the moment, however, he had to be satisfied just being near her. Reaching up, Alexander propped his hands on the top of the car, penned Greta in, and leaned closer. "I like it better when I can find your scent."

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