Chapter 1

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Thomas ran out of the hut into the storm clutching Newt's letter in his hand. He ignored the calls of the others in the hut and made his way towards the little girl caught in the storm. After he had gotten her into a hut Minho extended his arm to reach out and pull Thomas in. "Thomas you shank! Come on!" Before Thomas could reach for his hand a bolt of lightning hit knocking him to the ground. He hits his head on the floor when he falls, hard. He loses consciousness while still clutching Newt's necklace. The last thing he remembers is multiple people grabbing him and pulling him inside the hut. "Thomas! No, no don't leave me too you shank. I only just lost Newt. Not you too, please Thomas..." Thomas doesn't get to hear the rest of the sentence.

When Thomas does regain consciousness, he thinks he's dreaming. He wakes up in the box. Again. He doesn't scream, even if this is a dream he knows where he will, or at least should, end up. With Newt, where he was meant to be. Thomas pinches himself to find out if he's dreaming. He punches the metal box forcefully. He bites his cheek hard enough to bleed. He feels the pain each time and decides that this must be real. The box opens up and a rope lowers inside like it did the last time. He hesitates for only a second before grabbing on and climbing out of the box. He turns around taking in the sight of the glade, ignoring Gally's snide remarks. Alby steps forwards from next to Newt. "Nice to meet you shank." Thomas knew he would never forget those words. And how right he was. "Welcome to the Glade." His gaze shifts from Alby to Newt and back again. He doesn't ask many questions this time having already know the answers to them. He looks back to Newt to catch him staring back at Thomas suprised. "Where am I?" He wanted to keep up appearences in case they were watching. Alby sighs. "It's a long story. You'll find out when you need to. You get me?" Only then did Newt snap out of his trance. "You get him right Greenie?" Thomas nods trying not to stare at Newt. "Yeah. Yeah I get it." Newt smiles and stands behind Alby. "Good that. Anyway you'll have to bear with our new leader here." He places his hands on his shoulder smirking. Alby glanced behind him half glaring, half smirking. "Slim it. At least he can understand half the words I'm saying." Thomas smiles a little at that. "I can understand him just fine." Before he could stop himself it slipped out and all of the Gladers including Newt were staring at him. Newt laughs trying to break the silence. "You're bloody strange y'know that?" It worked and soon the others were laughing with him. Newt always had that affect on people.

Thomas caught himself staring and looked away towards the others. Some people were still staring at him but others were starting up their own conversations again. Alby turned back to him laughing. "Well then. I guess you won't have a problem with Newt giving you the tour tomorrow?" Thomas looks back and laughs. "I don't suppose I have much of a choice." Alby smirks at him. "Good answer." He responds before leaving and turning around. The other Gladers scattered off to continue their days. Newt pulled Chuck over to them. "Chuckie, you're in charge of his sleeping arangements alright?" Chuck nods quickly ecstatic at the chance to make a new friend, before dragging him off in the direction of the hammocks. Newt smiled to himself as they walk off.

Later that night Thomas and Chuck are sat where they had the last time. Thomas's eyes had glazed over when Chuck joined him and sat beside him. Only when Newt sat between them did he snap back to reality. Thomas looks over to notice that Newt was slightly drunk but still sipping Gally's famous moonshine. "Tell you what. I know I'm meant to show you around tomorrow. But the unofficial tour is way more fun." Thomas smirked and stood up after Newt had before following him away from the log.

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