Chapter 11

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Thomas's P.O.V~

Newt told me to wait in the seats instead of the front with him. I reluctently agreed. So here I am sat at the front of the Homestead meeting room, while the rest of the Gladers clamber in. Minho and Ben sat next to me shaking their heads slighlty. "Still think you should have sat farther back Thomas." I look over at Minho. "I'm not gonna make him re-tell it by himself. Even if I'm not up there." Ben places his hand on my back gently as Gally sits next to him. "Yeah, but after what happened before..." I turn to look at him quickly. "Ben I told you, I'm perfectly fine now. I promise. I got it all out now, so I'll be fine. I promise. I just probably shouldn't leave Newt's side for a little while." Ben laughs and looks over at Gally. "Not like you ever did anyway by the sounds of things." I laugh but before I can say anything Fry leans down from behind me. "What on earth are you two shanks talking about." Newt must've over heard because he moved over to us quickly. "If you shut up for a minute I'll tell you. Infact." He moved back to where Alby was trying to get everyone to get every one to shut up. "Quiet!" As usual when he shouts everyone went quiet immediatley. He looked in my direction and smiled slightly. Reassuring me that he was still him. I smiled back at him before Alby started talking. "Right, well I'm not gonna waste any of Newt's time here. Basically, he has some things to tell you lot and you probably aint gonna believe him but I've seen the proof myself, so you have to trust me on this."

~Time skip 2 hours~

It took a lot longer than the last few times because people kept shouting out at him to which he refused to continue speaking until the had shut up. Some of them couldn't believe it so after a few minutes of the Gladers staring at Newt in disbelief Gally stood up. "Everybody shut up!" He looked down at Ben and smiled. "Right, I know that some of you don't believe them alright? I get that. However! This shank." He pointed down at me and winked. "Saved Ben's life. He dragged me into the medjack hut when the girl appeared and handed me a serum and told me it would cure him. At this point I didn't have anything to loose so I did it. You can all clearly see the result." They started murmuring again. Newt pulled me up to the front with him. "Newt what are you doing?" He shushed me and turned back to the Gladers. "Okay, I understand you still don't believe us. Honestly I don't know if I would either. But we need you to believe us if we're going to get you out of here. So how can we get you to believe us?" It was Fry who spoke up. "I believe you personally, but to make sure these lot do. How about this? Prove it. Greenie, tell us something only a Glader would know." I looked down at Newt quickly and gestured to his leg. He took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay. I know how Newt got his limp." I watched as most of the Gladers inhaled sharply. As not even all of them new that. "How?" I looked over at Newt who was staring at the floor. "He jumped. He climbed as high as he could on one of the walls and jumped off, fortunatley he got tangled in the ivy on the way down. Alby found him and dragged him back to the Glade. Not all of his leg healed however and it left him with a limp." I looked back at Newt who was staring out the window. "When did he tell you this?" Once again I looked down at Newt. He was staring at me sadly. "I'd really rather not say." I really wish I could say I didn't hear the tremble in my voice but I can't as Newt grabbed onto my hand tightly. Fry nodded and sat back down accepting the answer but another Glader took his place. It was Minho this time who spoke. "Drop it, he already said he doesn't want to say." The Glader didn't back down and instead turned to me. "You want us to trust you yet you won't tell us something as simple as that." I felt my hands start to shake as Ben and Gally stood up to defend me with Minho. He spoke again and this time Newt defended me. "Slim it! I'm not gonna make him tell it again." I squeeze Newt's hand causing him to look over to me. "It's alright you guys... if it means that they'll trust us I'll tell them what they want." The four of them looked over at me sadly before nodding and sitting down. "He told me that when he told me that while he was telling me he was infected. During the time we were trying to save Minho." Another Glader spoke again but softer than the last. "Why did you do it?" My head snapped up and I found the eyes of the new speaker. It was Zart. "I did it because he begged me to. We were in The Last City when he turned. He was past The Gone but he was still fighting. He kept snapping in and out of reality. I stopped him from killing himself twice during that fight. But then he started shouting at me. He begged me to kill him. I tried so hard to keep him alive long enough. But it wasn't enough. By the time Brenda and Minho got there he was dead, his eyes had finally cleared but he was gone."

My hands had started to shake again and I caught Newt staring at me. "Tommy..." I shake my head quickly. "I'm fine Newt. Now is that enough proof?" They all nod leading to Jeff and Clint grabbing the Serum. Before Newt could say anything Alby walked over to me. "Thomas. Thank you. It must be hard for you two to keep re-telling this but seriously, thank you." For the first time since I first climbed out the box he smiled at me. "It'll be worth it. If me telling them about his death saves them. It's worth it." He claps his hand on my shoulder before walking off to make sure everyone got injected. "Sorry about that Thomas. I just couldn't help myself." I look up from Newt to see Zart stood infront of me sheepishly. "It's okay, seriously don't dwell on it." He laughs slightly before turning to Newt. "Alright. But Newt, I knew there was something going on between you to." Newt laughs and holds tighter onto my hand. "Yep, and you were right. But now I get to do this so it's okay." Before I could ask what he meant he leant forward and kissed me on the cheek. "Sorry you had to go through that again Tommy. Anyway, you gave up alot of blood for all of this, so you need to eat. Come on." He pulls my arm and leads me out of the hut. Frypan was already in the kitchen cooking when we got there. He gestures to the plate of food on the counter. "Eat, you'll need you're strength if you're to to back into the maze anytime soon." I thank him and grab the plate before we make our way over to our usual log. Which as always was unoccupied. I stared down at my plate not moving. "Newt..." He tapped his wrist before speaking. "Eat Tommy." But what he had really said was it'll be okay. We might not be able to talk telepathically, but that doesn't mean we need to use words to talk.

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