Chapter 3

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Thomas's P.O.V~

Once Newt was in grabbing distance I pulled him into the tightest hug I could manage. "I'm sorry Newt. I'm so sorry." He wraps his arms around me tightly and whispers into my ear. "It's alright Tommy. You did nothing wrong. I asked you to kill me. I begged you. You didn't kill me Tommy, you saved me." I shake my head pushing it further into his shoulder. "I'm still sorry. I'm sorry I let Minho get captured, I'm sorry I got people killed in the maze and in the scorch. I'm sorry I couldn't stop you getting the flare. I'm sorry I couldn't cure you in time. I'm sorry for everything Newt." His grip tightens before he pulls away. "Tommy. Please don't do this. None of that was your fault. I promise. Sure you and Teresa might have helped build this place but think about why the two of you were sent here. Huh? You were sent here because you betrayed them so they wiped your memory and sent you in here. They sent her in without the wipe to trigger the ending of the maze and force us to leave it then as soon as she was out she went back to them. What did you do Tommy?" I sigh slightly as I look at him. "I ran." He nodded quickly in agreement with the statement. "Yeah, and we didn't half bloody run did we. So I'm telling you now. None of those things were your fault. Not Ben, not Chuck, Winston, Alby, or me. Okay?" I shake my head quickly.

"Teresa. She pushed me onto the Berg as a building collapsed onto the one we were trapped on. Don't tell me that wasn't my fault. And don't you dare tell me that your death wasn't my fault Newt. Not when I watched you die. I held you in my arms as you took your last breath, Newt. I was crying over your dead body when Brenda and Minho got to us. And you know what I did then?" He shakes his head slowly. "I picked up the gun you took from my holster, when you tried to shoot yourself, and stormed into WCKD. Ava died infront of me, Janson shot her after she said she would leave the others alone. He knocked me out then somehow managed to strap me to a chair and take some of my blood. Because he, himself, was infected. The bastard that stopped me from getting you a cure was infected himself. So you know what I did?" Newt shakes his head again. "What?" His voice sounding hoarse. "I gave him to some Cranks they had been experimenting on that's what I did."

I stepped away after I had calmed down and realised I had crossed a line. "Newt, I'm sorry I just..." He holds up his hand while shaking his head. "No need Tommy. I deserve that, I did make you kill me after all so I had that coming." I shake my head slowly and took a step towards him.

"You know what the worst part is?" He shakes his head, knowing the question was rhetorical. "That necklace you gave me? I wore that bloody thing every single day once I woke up. And I read that shucking letter so many times I have it committed to memory. But the worst part about it. Is even after the year I spent at the Safe Haven, I was never able to say I wouldn't change anything. Because I would. I would change so much and I would get as many people out as possible."

He looks at me sadly and places his hand on my arm. "Tommy..." I shake me head. "We need to tell Alby. Probably Minho too. We can't waste the oppurtunity we've been given, Newt. We can't." He sighs before looking at the door. "Let me guess. That means waiting for little miss innocent to get here?" I nod trying to get a read on what he's feeling. "Yes Newt. After all she is the reason I know how to cure you. So for that she gets a second chance. A second chance. If she betrays us again well... I'll just have to hope it won't come to that." He sighs and steps backwards shaking his head. "Go get Minho. Tell him I want to talk to him and Alby then bring him here. We're just gon' have to hope they believe us." I nod and head for the door. "I hope."

I make my way over to where, luckily, Minho was still sat on his own. "What's up Greenie?" I nod towards the homsetead. "Newt wants to speak with you and Alby." He nods and gets up. "Well then. Lead the way, cause I assume the fact he sent you to get me means you'll be in there." I nod as we start walking. "So what's it about." I look around and don't see any read lights but decide to be cautious anyway. "It's probably best if you wait till Newt tells you. It's a long story. That you probably won't believe.

~Time skip 1 hour~

At this point we had told them everything important in as much detail as necesary. Except for the deaths. We put as little detail into them as we could and sometimes we hadn't even given a name. Alby looked from Newt to me before sighing. "It's crazy but if a girl comes up in that box in three days I will whole heartedly believe you. For know I just need some time to think. Newt can you make sure those shanks clean up?" He nods and heads out with him. "He doesn't make it, does he?" I look at Minho quickly. "Who?" He looks at the door for a second. "Newt." I shake my head slowly. "No, he didn't. How did you figure it out?" He chuckles softly. "It wasn't very difficult to figure out. But I guess it was when he mentioned how you 'lost a lot of friends along the way.' Your eyes glossed over as you looked at him." I drop my head shamefully. "I'm sorry. I tried I really did." He stands up and places a hand on my shoulder once he made his way over to me. "It's alright I can tell that you did. But you've got a second chance so you can save him this time. But first you need to sort out your feelings. It's cleat that you like him so do something about it." I nod and head for the door of the homestead. "Alright I will do."

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