Chapter 14

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Newt's P.O.V~

I woke up way earlier than I wanted to. I got up and looked outside an sure enough the sky had turned off so in a couple hours the bitch would be waking up. I stared at the sky for a few seconds pretending I was scared. When I looked back down I saw Tommy walking into the map room. "What is that shank doing?" I followed him into the map room making sure to keep looking at the sky a few times. When I got into the Map Room I saw Tommy stood staring at the Map layput clutching the table so hard his knuckles had turned white. "Tommy..." He looks up at me eyes full of worry. "Newt, you remember what the butterfly effect is right?" I nod my head slowly. "Where are you going with this Tommy?" He moves his gaze back to the table. "What if... what if us saving the Gladers gets others killed. Or if us saving them changes something that happens later on meaning we no longer know how to get through everything?" I move closer to him, trying to losen his grip on the table. "Well we'll have gotten ourselves out of worse messes haven't we. It would just be like the first time okay? Besides you said it yourself. Even if something changes, getting them out is more important. I mean at least Janson doesn't remember, I get the feeling he'd already have tried to kill us."

I watch quietly as Tommy's head snapped up. "How do we know he doesn't remember? Even if you say it's because he hasn't tried to kill us, it's a very Janson thing to do to be so cocky that now he knows what will happen to leave us for a while. Especially since he knows which side Teresa will end up on." I take another step closer as I watch the gears turn in his head. "Tommy, no stop that. I can literally see the gears turning in your head don't do this okay? We'll just have to believe that he doesn't until we can't anymore. Which will be once we get to out of here and see him ourselves alright? But I don't see why he would remember." He nods slowly and swaps his gaze from the table to me. "How have you kept it together this long?" I laugh slightly and take one of his hands. It's a small gesture but I can see him calm down further. "I haven't Tommy. It's just that I think about things when we get to them. I take things one step at a time. Whereas you think about things 4 steps in advance. So right now what's our goal?" He looks straight at me before at the door. "To get the Gladers out of the Maze as safely as possible." I nod my head and rest my forhead on his. "See you can do it if you try." He laughs slightly before groaning and screwing his eyes shut. "Teresa?" He nods quickly. I move away slightly but he grabs onto my hand before I can pull away properly. He opens his eyes and moves towards the door, tapping my knuckles as he does so. Time to move.

I follow him out of the hut as the other Gladers start leaving their beds. Some sat on the ground in 'disbelief' as others gathered in groups to point and talk. Alby moved towards me and Tommy before pointing to the Med-Jack hut. We both nod and moved forwards being followed by Minho. We walk inside to where Teresa had just woken up. It took every fibre of my being not to slap the girl for what she had done to Minho, but she had saved Thomas in the end so it was a little easier. She sat up looking around the room, eyes settling on Thomas. "Tom?" He nods his head already looking done with her, which undeniably brought me glee. "Teresa, we're moving out." She looked at him in shock. "What do you mean? You can't..." He sighs before looking down at her. "Yes we can..." She sits up frantically. "No, you can't. Not yet anyway. Not unless you've solved the maze. It's..." Thomas interupted her before she could say anything else. "A code, yeah we know Teresa, we have the answer so we're getting out of here." She looks up at him and around at all of us. "How did you solve it? You shouldn't have managed that yet." I watched silently as I saw Thomas snap. "I knew it, you were sent here with your memories weren't you? And not just your name I mean all of your memories." She nods slowly. I felt myself snap aswell. The others didn't understand but took a step back sensing how annoyed we were. Because her having her memories means she knew the whole time. She knew what would happen. "Tom, you weren't meant to have yours. They said they were going to wipe you before you were sent here. How did you escape it?" He turns around as quickly as he could. "I'm not telling you that. But if you tell them I have my memories when we get there I am not gonna do anything more to protect you."

He walks out of the hut to go talk to Minho, and the sloppers to make sure they were getting ready. She turned her gaze to me for a few seconds before looking away almost happily. I will never understand this girl. I nodded at Alby gesturing to her. It was his job to make sure she could run. Minho followed me outside. As I did I watched as Chuck followed Tommy around like a lost puppy pretending to be terrified. I laugh at the sight slightly and walked over to them. "Is everyone ready?" He nods slightly but looks around first. "Yeah, we're getting there. Zart needs to finish packing up all the essential plants that can last for a long time. The Builders are working with the sloppers to make sure all the weapons are in working order. The runners are handing out as many supplies as they have including running shoes to those who fit. Speak of the devil." He points behind me as Ben runs up to us.

"We got a small problem Thomas." He tilts his head quickly. "What do you mean problem?" He points back to the sloppers. "Some of the weapons were broken the other week in a storm." He sighs and walks past me. "Right, how many were damaged?" Ben thinks for a second. "Maybe a quarter? Probably less. None of them are completely broken except maybe one or two. But some of the spears are broken." He nods quickly thinking for a second. "I'll go have a look. See how bad it is, see if we can fix any of them at least temporarily." Bene nods quickly. "Lead the way Tommo." He smiles at me quickly before the two run off to where the sloppers and some builders were freaking out.

Minho turns to me once they get there. "You can really tell he's been through some klunk." I shake my head laughing. "No that's just Tommy being Tommy. The first time this happened he took charge aswell. He managed to persuade half the Gladers that were left to join him. He's just good in bad situations." Minho laughs and claps me on the shoulder. "Glad he's on our side." I laugh as we head our seperate ways. Zart waves me over as I get to the gardens. "Newt! Help me bottle up the rest of this aloe." I nod asking why he was taking it. "Thomas came over when I got here and asked me if we had any. I said that we did and a fair bit of it since we never found a use for it." He hands me one of the bottles. "So he told me to bottle up as much as he could, said it would come in handy in the scorch." I laugh as I start at the bottom of the plant. "I take back what I said to him earlier. It is a good thing he thinks 4 steps ahead." Zart just laughs as he joins me on the floor. "Seems to be. Cause I think literally everyone else forgot about the whole Scorch thing. They were too pre-occupied with the number of deaths and the fact that you two are from the future." I laugh moving up slightly. "Yeah, that seems like a fair accusation. I mean it must have been alot to take in. I know it definitley was for us." He shrugs his shoulders slightly. "I mean it was at first, but it's just one of those things y'know, when something prooves it you have no reason to not believe it so it just kinda becomes, normal, in a way." I laugh again and keep collecting the aloe as another Track-hoe runs over to us. "Need some help." Zart nods looking up at the volunteer. "Yeah, pick up one of those bottles and start helping us with this." He nods and takes the bottle I hand over to him before starting on the plant beside me and Zart. We spend the next half hour in complete silence and by that point, with the help of another track-hoe. We had managed to bottle up all of the aloe into 4 bottles. Zart handed them to me and I made my way over to the Homestead where the supplies are to be left, before we pack them.

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