Chapter 15

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Newt's P.O.V~

I moved out of the Homestead to see Ben walking towards it. "Hey, Ben. How are the weapons looking?" He laughs before gesturing towards the sloppers. "See for yourself. Your boyfriend seems to be good at handling situations like these. He's already managed to sort out our weapon problems with the exception of a couple that were beyond repair." I roll my eyes fondly and look to where he's pointing. "Yeah that sounds like a Tommy thing to do." He starts walking back towards them. "Newt, give me a hand with moving them to people yeah?" I send a look over to Zart to make sure he could handle his work for a while. He looks up from the plant he's harvesting and gives me a thumbs up. "Yeah, alright." I follow Ben over to where Thomas is stood with the sloppers. "You want me to what?" I look over to them to see Tommy and Gally arguing again. "I guess nothing ever changes around here." Tommy catches my eye as Ben starts laughing. "Newt, back me up here. Ben has already said he's staying out of it." I sigh and look between the three of them. "That was probably a wise decision, but what exatly do you want me to back you up on?" He points back at Gally. "I want him to go down the whole first with Chuck. Not cause I think he'll do something, I want him to go down first cause I know what he's like. He'll try and make us leave him there." I look between Gally and Thomas a few times. Then back to Ben who was just watching. "I mean, he has a point Gally." He sighs and points at Chuck. "Right, sure he does. But even if I go down with Chuck that doesn't mean that I'm not gonna stay." I sigh and stand next to Ben. "I'm staying out of this one. You two sort it out. We're just gonna wait and make sure you don't kill each other." Before either can speak Thomas squeezes his eyes shut. "Now really?" He groans and makes his way towards the med-jack hut. "Can we continure this later Gally? I have to go sort her out now." Gally rolls his eyes as he walks off. "I mean not much have a choice here." Ben laughs as he walks away defeated. "You wouldn't think he's only 16 would you? You'd think he was a middle aged man or something." I just laugh and walk off after him. "I'm gonna go find out what she wants." The two nod and go back to piling up the weapons.

I walk in to find Thomas and Teresa sat in the room. With Thomas glaring daggers into her skull. "What are you going on about Teresa?" She sighs. "I told you, there should be no way that you have the code, not yet anyway. They said they wouldn't make it available before I got here." Thomas sighs heavily. "I'm not responding to that." She looks from Thomas to me. "Newt, please, talk some sense into him. It's not safe." I sigh and stand next to him. "What do you mean it isn't safe?" She looks out the window towards the maze. "You haven't had time to go out and get it. Meaning that you've guessed it. Right?" I shake my head slowly. "No Teresa. We haven't guessed it. But never mind that are you ready to run? Cause your job is to make sure Chuckie doesn't get hurt. And to get him down the hole as soon smas possible." She stares at me like she wants to ask something else but doesn't.  "Okay, and yes I'm ready to run. I'll make sure he gets out." Thomas reaches up for one of my hands before standing up. "Right well then. Get ready, as soon as the Gladers are ready we're moving out." He leaves, leaving me and Teresa on our own in the small hut.

She looks back over to me before breaking the silence. "I'm happy for you two. I know we fought over him before the Maze, but no matter how much I hated myself for it, I always thought you two looked good together. I knew deep down that despite how hard I might try it would be you he ended up with. Seeing you two together... I'm okay with that now. It's opened my eyes again to just how important you are to him." I shift on the spot trying to figure out if I should say what I'm thinking. "You're imprtant to him too Teresa." She shakes her head. "Not in the same way. He would go to the ends of the earth for you." I shake my head denying it. "He'd do that for anyone. It's Tommy, it's who he is." I've already seen him do that. For Minho. "Okay yeah, that's true. But it's still different with you. Tom cares about everyone more than himself. He always has, it's his thing. But with you, it's like he values you above every living thing on the planet." I look towards the door where Tommy was a minute ago. "Teresa. Who's side are you on here?" I turn back to face her quickly. "What do you mean?" I look from her to the door. "I mean, who's side are you on? You can't be on both. But if you're going to pick WCKD, please do Tomny a favour and don't trick us." She follows my gaze to the door. "I don't know Newt..."

I turn back to look at her for a few seconds. "Teresa I'm going to tell you something. If I do you do not tell WCKD or I will hunt you down myself." She nods slowly. "All this work you've done. Trapping kids in mazes. Even non-immunes like me. It's pointless." She tilts her head to look at me slowly. "What? What do you mean?" I look back to the door wishing I had thought this through a bit more. "Because you put the cure in one of your mazes. If you had just done some tests instead of dumping everyone into these death traps, you'd have gotten your cure a lot quicker." She sits up and goes to get out of the bed. I make no move to help her and watch as she balances herself. "Who is it Newt?" I laugh and point towards the chair Tommy was sat in a few minutes ago. "Who do you think it is Teresa?" She gasps before sitting back down on the bed. I sit down in the chair and look at her. "I have something to tell you. Tommy might not thank me for it, but if it means you helping us and not them... I'll just have to make him mad at me."

She looks up at me as I start explaining bits and pieces of what we had told the Gladers. Not all of it by a long shot, but the important parts like her saving Tommy in the end. Like Minho had she worked out that I didn't make it the whole way. So when she asked how I died I told her the truth. "I turned, I caught the flare while we were still in the scorch. It got bad when we were getting into the city. I tried to kill him, so I begged him to kill me first so that I couldn't do it. Because to me the thought of killing him was a fate worse than death. At the time I didn't think about what it would do to him. All I knew is that I couldn't allow myself to hurt him. So he stabbed a knife into my chest, I don't remember anything after the knife pierced the skin. The only thing I remember is him diving forwards to catch me before I could hit the ground." She stares at the ground for a few minutes. "They did all of that... Newt, I... I want to help you. And I hope that somewhere along the way you can forgive me for betraying you and torturing Minho. I don't know why I agreed, but I know one thing. I want to make it right given the chance we have." I nod slowly standing up. "I think if you do stick with us I'll be able to forgive you. Just know that there are parts to the story I haven't told you under Tommy's orders. He didn't want me to tell you any of this. But even though I don't like it. You're important to him."

She stands up as I got to leave the room. "Newt, you should know something. I might have been fighting you for Thomas, but he never thought of me as more than a friend. Maybe he did for a little while but not for long. I'm sorry I fought you so much, but I wish I could take it back after seeing how he looks at you." I lean against the wall gently before speaking. "And how, exactly does he look at me?" She laughs before covering her mouth quickly. "Sorry. But how can you not see it? Newt, he looks at you like you're the most beautiful thing in the world. Don't tell him I told you this, cause he probably doesn't even know he's doing it. But that's why it's so amazing. Newt in his eyes nothing can hold a candle to you." I feel my cheeks start to get warm so I stand up and glare at her slightly when she starts giggling. I walk over to her and held out my hand. "For Tommy's sake, do you wanna start over? I think once all of this is behind us, the two of us will get along." She nods extending her hand. "Thank you Newt." I nod before going to leave. "Oh, by the way. When we get to WCKD we aren't able to leave the complex for atleast one night. During that night they are going to try and persuade you to join them." I move back over to her. "Please fight it. I don't care if you have to talk to Tommy the whole time you're in there but please don't listen to them. They're going to fill your head with lies." She nods quickly. "I will Newt. I'll use Tom if I have to, but I'll try not to." I shake my head quickly. "No, this one time, don't take the chance. If you don't think you can do it talk to him until you get out." She nods before moving back over to the bed where her shoes are. "I'll get ready to move then. Chuck's the kid right?" I nod quickly leaving the hut. "Yeah, I'll drag him in here so you can get familiar with each other first." I walk away from the hut back over to the Homestead where Alby was waiting for me before calling a meeting.

I know it's a Newtmas fic, but I didn't want to ignore the fact that Thomas cares about her. But dw she won't be interferring with Newtmas.

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