Chapter 20

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Newt's P.O.V~

No one moves for a few seconds. "Gally, please don't do this." He shook his head. "Don't be a shank Thomas. You need me to get left behind here." He shakes me and Minho off and takes a step forwards slowly. He looks back and takes a step sideways before continuing. I stare at him for a second befire looking behind where he was stood. It takes me a second to realise what he's doing. He's blocking Ben. He's purposley stood infront of Ben so that he can't throw the spear. "Gally. Please. We can still get in there." Gally shakes his head moving the gun around aswell. "How? Tell me how." Tommy doesn't move but shifts on the spot. Probably trying to make sure he doesn't collapse. "Gally, I don't know right now. It will probably include a fight of some sort, but we don't need you to do this." I look towards Ben who was staring in horror. I don't think he knew what was going to happen. Partly because his spear had already been dropped on the floor by the chute. But also because he was staring at Gally silently. Tommy looks behind him for a second and actually looks at Ben. He slouches a little relieved he isn't going to throw a spear into Gally's chest. He motions for him to come over to him. Ben is glued to the spkt and doesn't move, so he turns back to Gally. He holds his hand out reaching for the gun. "Gally, please just drop the gun." Gally shakes his head quickly hands moving aswell. "No, if you can tell me how to get into The Last City, I'll let go of the gun." I looked at the hand holding the gun, it's shaking his eyes keep darting from Tommy to Ben. No one moves. No one wants to disturb the silence that had fallen the room at his inablity to answer.

Tommy sighs lowering his hand. "I don't know Gally, but you don't need to do this. I'll figure something out. I always do, please just drop the gun." He holds his hand out again. Gally pulls away again before he can grab it. "I don't want to do this, don't think that I do." Tommy looks at him sadly. "Then don't! Think it through Gally please. Are you really willing to unnecessarily get a spear stabbed through your chest, and then left on your own until we get to you. Bearing in mind that it took us just short of a year the last time?" I look back towards Ben who had started to shake. Looking back at Gally I see him starting to lower the gun. The rest of us who were watching this happen started speaking. Most of them were telling Gally not to do it. I look back at Ben to see him starting to cry. I make my way through the crowd of Gladers as Tommy reached again for the gun. "Ben..." He snaps out of what ever trance he was in and started moving towards him slowly. As he left the group Gally had allowed Tommy to grab the gun. I heard everyone take in a collective breath as I moved back to the front of the group. Tommy started to pull the gun from his grip as Ben pulled Gally into a hug. We all let out a sigh once Tommy had taken the gun from his grip. As soon as it was out of his hand Gally returned Ben's hug and started shaking. Tommy threw the gun into the far side of the room.

Before me and Minho could get to him his legs buckled and he fell to the floor. "Tommy!" I ran forwards to see him coughing up blood again. He looks up at Ben and Gally as I sit infront of him and lets out a sigh. "Now we just need to wait." I nod and start helping him up before I see him wince and fall again. "Tommy?" Ben and Gally were looking at him. "He took quite a few nasty hits Newt, he's probably not in great shape right now." I look up at Ben to see that his eyes are red, from rubbing them so hard. "Yeah, he did a great job of proctecting literally everyone else but himself." I chuckle slightly before he coughs again. Hand flying over his left rib as he does so. I sigh and look down at him. "You seem to be getting dangerously close to breaking your promise Tommy." He looks up at me smiling the same lopsided smile as always. "Yeah but I haven't yet." I roll my eyes before looking down at him. "Show me." He pales even more so than he already had. "Newt..." He looks up at me silently but I shake my head. "For the love of god show me what's happened to you." He sits up as best he can before lifting his shirt where the Griever stung him. Just above it I saw a bright red mark of him being hit with something. I pull his shirt up more to see the mark of where the Griever tail must have hit him. "You said you were stung twice?" He nods slowly before turning around. I lift his shirt up so that I can see his back properly. It's littered with wounds all over the place. A Griever sting just off-centre of the middle of his back, another red mark as well as bruises and cuts from being thrown to the floor. I drop his shirt and sit silently as he turns around. "You are such an idiot Tommy!" I punch his arm causing him frown sheepishly. "I'm sorry Newt." I look up at Minho quickly. "Help me get him up?" He nods and grabs for one of his arms. I stand up taking the other and gently pull him to his feet. Just as we do the door bursts open and the guys with the black armour and guns burst in ushering us out. "Quickly quickly, come on. We haven't got much time!" Me and Minho just about manage to pull Tommy out of the facility and across the small walk to the Berg. Once everyone was on I pulled myself in and took the seat next to Tommy.

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