Chapter 5

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Newt's P.O.V~

I crept towards Tommy's hammock trying my best not to wake Chuck. I shake his shoulder gently to wake him up. His eyes shoot open so almost mockingly I place my hand over his mouth and shush him. "Shh Tommy. Wouldn't wanna be waking Chuckie now would we?" He just laughs and sits up. "No cause then I couldn't do this." He grabs onto my hand and pulls me closer to him. I swat his arm playfully and lead him over to the maze wall where I'm meant to show him the Griever. "I spoke to Alby. He wasn't too happy about you going in his place and how the others would react to it but I said we could explain it as not wanting to lose another leader. So he soon gave in." He smiled at me thankfully. "Thank you Newt. Really." I just nod at him and start walking. "Right. No point in this but don't want the others getting suspicious." I lead him around the corners of the Glade first our hands still loosley intertwined. "Sup lovebirds." I turned to see the voice's owner. Unfortunatley, and fortunaley, it was Minho who ran into us. "I see you actually took my advice Tomboy." I see Thomas shake his head in the corner of my eye. There is no way he is gonna let this go. "Did Alby tell you what's happening?" He shakes his head so I just step aside and gesture towards the maze. "Don't worry about it for now. Go do your run but come back once you find it." He nods and runs past us into the maze. We unjoin hands as it's almost time for wake up but still stay close to each other. Not uncommon for either of us as we practically lived in each other's pockets before, and apparently still do. We make our way over to Fry's and he smiles at us as he hands us over some breakfast. "Thanks Fry." Thomas went to say something before remembering he was technically still a greenie here so just nodded his thanks and followed after me.

Once we had eaten I 'showed' Tommy around the Glade in silence. Neither of us speaking because no questions needed to be asked. But also because there was no need to. Just as we got back to Fry we had started talking again. Once we had finished Minho ran out of the maze as fast as he could before collapsing just infront of the doors. Even though we all already knew the plan I spoke loud enough for at least Fry to hear. "Make sure he's okay, I'll go get Alby." Tommy nods at me before sprinting towards Minho. I ran as fast as I could to the Homestead where I had told him to wait. "Alby! Come on!" We ran out of the Homestead towards Thomas and Minho who were sat laughing on the floor. Miho even more out of breath than before from laughing too hard. Alby stood infront of the two of them catering to the crowd of Gladers gavering. "Well?" Minho looked up at him. "I found one. A dead one." Alby looked towards the maze almost as if he still couldn't believe it. "Show me." Minho scoffed. "Yeah okay, sure, just tell me how to stop the doors closing and it'll all be fine." Alby rolls his eyes at Minho slightly. "Alright fine, we can go tomorrow." Tommy looks at me to tell me to interrupt. "I'm not sure that's such a good idea Alby." Alby looks over already knowing the answer to his question. "Why not Newt?" I look down at Tommy to see him nodding at me. "Well if it's not actually dead then we run the risk of you getting hurt. Send the Greenie in instead." My heart hurt at the thought of sacrificing Tommy for Alby. "I don't want no shank gettin hurt instead of me." I know what that means. It means Thomas isn't to get hurt for him. I couldn't agree with that statement more. Alby nods slowly. "Right. Fine. Minho, get him ready." Minho nods and stands up pulling Tommy with him. Minho places a hand on my shoulder as he passes. "He'll be fine, Newt. I promise." Minho and Tommy walk off laughing again as I huff and stare after them. Alby laughs as I start walking after them. "Oh slim it Alby." He just laughs again as I keep walking.

I get to the map room just as the door closed and curse silently. I heave the heavy metal door open to see Minho smirking at Thomas. "Slim it Minho. Everything okay Newt?" I nod before closing the door. "Yeah I just need to talk with you." Minho points at the door. "You want me to wait outside?" I shake my head quickly. "No it's alright Min, it'll only take a minute." I turn back to Thomas and place my hand on his shoulder. "You better be bloody careful in that maze Tommy. You already know how I feel about sending you back in there. So I'll tell you now. If you come out of that maze tomorrow, and you've been stung, or hurt I will kil you myself." He takes my hand off his shoulder and holds it in his. "Newt, I'll be fine okay?" I nod and head for the door. "Alright. You better be." He kisses me on the forehead as I leave. "Newt I'll be fine." I smile at him before closing the heading out. "See you later you two." Minho just smirks at me as I leave but Tommy smiles reassuringly as I close the door. I still have a bad feeling about this but I suppose I just have to wait and see what happens.

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