Chapter 18

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Newt's P.O.V~

"Newt what did you do?" I turn around to see Ben and Minho staring at me. "I said I wasn't happy with him asking me to let him die." Minho rolled his eyes. "Yeah, that's what did it. What did he say to you?" I sigh before looking back up at them. "He said 'but it's okay for you to make me actually kill you?" I looked away from them trying to see him. "Where did he go? I need to apologise to him." Minho just smiles at me before going back to work. "You'll see him soon enough." Before I could press him any further I felt someone grab my hand and pull me away. "Newt, I'm sorry. I just, I don't know. I know it was stupid of me to say though." I shake my head quickly. "No it's okay, I pushed you. I shouldn't have brought it up, I'm sorry Tommy.  It's just that, last time the only reason we got through it was because of you. The only reason I lived as long as I did was because of you Tommy, because you refused to let me die. The only reason I managed to fight the flare so long is because of you Tommy. I can't do this without you Tommy. So you better bloody..." Before I can finish my sentence he taps his elbow quickly. Without moving my head I look towards the trees to see a Beetle Blade watching us. "Right. Anyway, I said I was sorry so let's finish our jobs for the day." He nods before walking back over to Ben and Minho. "You two shanks sort everything out?" I nod quickly before he can say anything else. "Yeah, all good. Greenie's gonna finish his work now."

I look back towards the where the Beetle. Blade to see that it was gone. I looked around for it or for anymore that might have taken it's place."I'm gonna go finish helping Zart." Minho nods but before I can turn around Tommy places his hand on my chest where the knife went in.  "I am sorry Newt." I return the gesture placing my hand over his heart where I stabbed him. "I know Tommy. I am aswell." I hear Minho laugh from where he was stood and turn to look at him. "What Minho?" He gestures between the two of us before laughing again. "You two. You're the weirdest shanks I've ever met. You know that?" I hear Tommy laugh from beside me and look over at him. "Maybe so. But you aint much better Ho." He looks back at Tommy. "Ho?" Tommy freezes for a second. "Sorry it was my nickname for you last time. It just slipped out, sorry." He shrugs looking back to his pile of weapons. "Eh, don't worry about it. I like it." I laugh before turning to walk away. I place my hand on Tommy's chest again gently. Before smiling. He nods at me understanding what I mean. I remove my hand and turn to the gardens smiling like an idiot. We have a new gesture. One for when we can't say it, or it's too quiet. One that means something so important and poweful that I can feel his touch lingering on my chest. One that means two things. Either I need you or I love you. Or both if the situations calls for it.

"Newt can you go help the other Track-hoes in Fry's kitchen?" I nod before turning around and walking back to the kitchen. "Oh, Newt, perfect timing. Can you help me pack up the last of this dry food?" I nod and walk over to the table of food. "Is this the last of it?" He nods his head. "Should be. Once we finish packing all of this up I'll do a couple checks in here to make sure we got it all." I nod as I turn to where Fry and Gally are stood. "Want me to help you check?" He nods again. "Please. That'd be a great help." Once the two of us finish packing it up we check around the kitchen for any last bits we may have missed. "Right, I think we got all of it Tim." He nods and starts picking up the supplies. "Great. Help me drop these off at the Homestead yeah?" I nod and pick up the rest of the food. When we get into the homestead the runners are already starting to pack up the supplies. With Minho, Ben and Thomas stood at the front. I placed the supllies down on the table as did Tim and we started helping the runners pack up. I moved over to Minho, seeing as Tommy already had Chuck helping him. "Newt." I look up at him to see him pointing at the door. I follow his hand to see Tommy stood still except for the tapping on the table, something he always did when he was deep in thought. "Oh for the love of. What rabbit hole is the shanks brain going down now?" I hear Minho laugh behind me so he just pats me on the back. "Go switch with Chuck. See what's up with him." I look back at him and smile apologetically. "Sorry, thanks Min." He laughs and looks back up at Tommy. "No prob, just bring him back down to planet earth alright?" I nod before walking to Chuck and tapping his shoulder. "Switch with me?" He nods quickly. "Sure, is he okay Newt?" I nod quickly in response. "He will be in a minute or two." Chuck nods before moving over to Min with the same bright smile plastered on his face as always.

I stood on the other side and watched for a second hoping I wouldn't have to interrupt his thoughts. After standing there for a few seconds I realised that he isn't going to notice I'm here. I place my hand on his gently. His head snapped up but he calms down once he realises he had only zoned out. "You wanna tell me what's going on up there Tommy?" He shrugs slightly. "We should've waited Newt. We've been too hasty. What was the first thing they did to you when we got there?" I thought for a second before looking back up at him slowly. "They tested my blood... oh shuck it." He nods slowly. "As usual, I've shucked it up because I didn't think about anything." I shake my head quickly. "No, don't do that. We'll think of something. Besides you did it for the right reasons alright? You just wanted to protect them." He looks up at me from his pack. "I wanted to protect you aswell Newt, and as usual that means I didn't think anything through." I smile at him slightly and start packing the bag again. "Come on. We need to get going soon. Is Teresa ready?" He nods quickly. "Yeah. She's in the back of the room being watched by Alby. Not that I don't trust her or anything. I just wanna be careful." I smile slightly looking at the back of the room. As I go to speak again the door opens revealing Gally and Fry walking in. "Greenie! We got you're knives here." He steps away from the table slightly taking the box from him. "Thanks Gally."

He places them box on the table before turning to everyone. "Right, everyone take one knife each, if there's any spare we can sort that out later. Just, make sure it's not seeable. If you have long sleeves hide them there. However if you're like Newt and don't have any sleeves or have short ones find somewhere to hide them that you can get to them but they can't be seen. Once you've done that get someone to make sure that it's hidden." Everyone nods and moves towards the box as he picks up 2 knives and walks back to me. "Here. Wait gimme a sec." He walks back over to the box and picks up two more. He waves, Teresa and Chuck over to us. "Yeah Tom?" He holds one of the knives out to her. "Take it, do not point it at one of us or mine will be pointed at you. I'm sorry to act so hostile towards you but..." She nods and takes the knife from him. There was silence for a second before she winks and goes back to Alby. "What did she say?" He looks at me for a second before turning away. "She said... she understands and that I'm just protecting what's important to me... Anyway. Chuck c'mere." Chuck waddles over slowly, probably nervous about what he's going to tell him. "Chuck..." he holds the knife out and places it into his hand. "Thomas..." Chuck looks up at him startled. "No, I don't expect you to use it. If anything I hope you don't have to even remember it's there. It is only as a precaution for when we get you out okay? Do not touch that knife unless you have to." He nods before walking over to Teresa. He straightens up as everyone gathers around us. "I take it everyone's ready to move out?" They all nod. "Good, okay, grab your weapons you all know your jobs right." They walk over to the table. Minho comes back and passes Tommy one of the spears. "Here you go Tommyboy." He laughs and takes it from him. "Wait I have something to say aswell." Everyone looks at Minho quickly but me and Tommy just share a look knowing what he's gonma say. "Don't die basically." Tommy nudges me slightly. "Great, we're all bloody inspired." They all laugh as we make our way out to the maze. The Runners all formed a line at the opening of the maze, waiting for all of us to fall in behind him. Once we had all stood behind them they set off into maze with the rest of us following as closely as posisble.

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