Chapter 4

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Thomas's P.O.V~

I left the Homestead ignoring Minho's cheers and headed back towards the campfire to find Newt stood looking over the other Glader's who were almost done cleaning up. "Hey Newt." He looks over at me and smiles. "Hey Tommy. Need something?" I nod my head slowly. "Yeah. Uh... is there a chance we could go somewhere away from the other Gladers?" I jerked my head towards the forest slightly so that he knew I also wanted to get away from any little spies. "Sure lead the way." I smiled slightly and led him away from the campfire towards the med-jack hut knowing it would be empty because Jeff and Clint usually went to bed before the others. I checked inside quickly and upon seeing that it was empty led Newt inside. "What's this about Tommy?" I turned back to him to see him standing with his arms crossed. "Okay, well you know how earlier I said I was sorry I didn't get you the cure on time?" He nods slowly dropping his arms a bit. "Well now I'm gonna give you the cure early." He walks over to me and stares. "How?" I pick up an injector as well as some other things and set them down. "Teresa. She figured it out, it was just too late. It was me Newt, it was my blood the whole time. That's why Brenda didn't need any more serum. Because I gave her my blood at the camp without knowing what it would do." He looks at me sadly as I draw some blood from my arm. "That's why she gets another chance. Because she gave me the information I needed to save you." I slouched a bit and shoved my hands in my pockets. "But, if I can't turn her to our side, then she doesn't get another chance. If she betrays us and gets Minho captured again... Then she won't be our problem anymore. WCKD can have her." Newt smiled slightly as I take my hands out my pockets. "You're a right shank you know that?" I laugh and start doing what I had seen Teresa do in the lab.

"You sure you know what you're doing there Tommy?" I shrug slightly. "Vaguely. I know I don't know enough to make the same cure Teresa had, however I know enough to make a temporary one. So when Brenda get's bit in the Scorch I'll just make sure they make a vial for you too." I see him shake his head from the corner of his eye. I turn around and pour the blue liquid into the injector. "Looks about right." I smile slightly as he holds out his arm. "Ready?" He shrugs slightly as I hold the injector over his arm. I smile at him softly as I plunge it into his arm and the cure starts leaving the device.

"Newt... I need to tell you something..." He looks up at me cautiously as he rolls his sleeve back down. "Go on." I take a deep breath and laugh as he pats the spot next to him on the bed. I sit down and he looks over to me. "Okay. So... firstly, Minho says he believes us. He also figured out that you didn't make it last time." He stares at me questioningly for a second. "I didn't tell him. But apparently when you were saying how we lost a lot of friends along the way my eyes glossed over when I looked at you." Newt just laughs and bumps our shoulders together. "Is that what you wanted to tell me?" I shake my head. "So what did you want to tell me?" I take a deep breath and turn to face him. "Newt... I love you. I have done for a while and that year without you in my life was the most painful thing I've ever felt." He chuckles softly and takes my hand. "I love you too Tommy. That's why I asked you to do it. If I had to go, I wanted to go on my own terms. I'm sorry I didn't think about how that would affect you. I was gonna tell you how I felt that day in the city knowing I wouldn't make it out. But it was never the right time, and then I couldn't hold out any longer." I smiled squeezing his hand gently.

After a few seconds of silence Newt laughs. "I assume Minho told you to do something by the way." I nodded sheepishly. "Maybe." He sighs slightly and leans into me. "So you're telling me that after all this time the only reason one of us talks is because of Minho?" He sighs again jokingly. I look down at him smirking. "Yeah, but I mean come on. Did you ever think it was gonna happen any other way?" He laughs and leans into me more. "No I suppose not. I'm just peeved it took both of us to die for us to finally talk about it." I find myself laughing before I know it.

He stands up slowly and holds out his hand. "You ready for the 'tour' tomorrow?" I shake my head. "No, cause I know the day after the tour I gotta try out all the jobs again. Meaning I'm gonna have to work in the slaughter house again." Newt just laughs and holds out his hand. "Come on Tommy. I'll wake you up tomorrow morning." I laugh and take his hand. I squeeze it again as we get to the door before letting go. I don't want to but we have to be careful. If too many people know that's just more chances for someone to accidentaly let something slip. Or say something in the wrong place.

I stop him before he can open the door. "Newt, we can stop Alby getting stung." He looks at me like he already knows what's going through my head. Which to be fair. He probably does. "No Tommy. No way." There it is. "Think about it Newt. Either way I'm going into that maze. We both know it. So I either stop Alby getting stung by taking his place. Or I can go in the maze for the night with an injured Alby and exhausted Minho. Again." He sighs and rubs his temples. "I reay hate it when your plans actually have some level of logic to them." I look at him expectantly. "Sooo?" He sighs and opens the door. "Fine I'll talk to Alby." I smile at him brightly. "Thank you Newt." I smile again as he walks towards the homestead where Alby is most likely to be.

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