Chapter 16

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Thomas's P.O.V~

I left the Med-Jack hut but before I walked away, I heard Teresa's voice again. I know I should leave, that I shouldn't be listening in on this conversation, but I need to make sure that they don't kill each other. After a minute of standing there I hear Newt speak again. "I have something to tell you. Tommy might not thank me for it, but if it means you helping us and not them... I'll just have to make him mad at me." I stay where I am to make sure Newt doesn't say too much. Or say the wrong thing. Once he finishes speaking I hear him go to stand up so I start leaving. Feeling bad for having listened into the conversation.

"Tom. Stay for a minute."
"Just stay."

I give in and move back to resting on the wall. Then she starts speaking about before the maze. "... I might have been fighting you for Thomas, but he never thought of me as more than a friend. I mean maybe for a little while but not for very long. I'm sorry I fought you so much, but I wish I could take it back seeing how he looks at you." I feel Newt lean against the wall beside me. "Teresa, where are you going with this?" No response. I hear he start laughing slightly, a sound I haven't heard in a long time. But whether she was laughing at me, Newt or both of us I don't know. "You two are unbelivable." Oh so now she talks to me. "Sorry. But how can you not see it? Newt, he looks at you like you're the most beautiful thing in the world." I feel my brain malfuction for a full second. "Am I really that bad?" She doesn't respond she just laughs and keeps talking to Newt. Don't tell him I told you this, because he probably doesn't even realise he's doing it." I feel myself freeze again. Is she really going to tell him all of this. "Tee? What are you doing?" She laughs again. "But that's why it's so amazing. Newt in his eyes nothing can even hold a candle to you." I walk away when she stops talking before my face starts to actually burn. "You're welcome Tom." I stop in my tracks for a second. "Welcome for what? You literally just told him that I'm an idiot when it comes to him." She laughs once again. "Newt's no better Tom. Firstly he has called you Tommy from literally the first moment he met you. Second you clearly haven't seen how he looks at you. He looks at you like your the only person in a room at any given time. Anyone with eyes in their head could see that you both practically worship the ground the other walks on. Except you obviously cause you're both completely oblivious." I ignore he snide comment and laugh walking over to Ben and Gally.
"Talk to you later Tee."
"Talk you later Tom. Have fun with loverboy."
"What are you..."

Before I could finish my thought I feel a tap on my shoulder. It's Newt. "Hey Tommy." I can literally already feel my stress melting away. I really am an idiot when it comes to Newt. "Hey Newt. Everything alright?" He nods quickly. "Yeah, I just spoke to Alby, he's gonna call a meeting in about 10 minutes. I'd be thankfull if you could tell me where the bloody hell Chuck's gotten to though." I laugh pointing towards Fry's kitchen. "He went to help Fry pack up so he should be there." He smiles brightly before walking off. "Thanks Tommy." I stare after him for a minute before walking over to Gally. "Alright. You don't have to jump down the hole first. We're giving Teresa that job. But if you pull anything when you get down there. I'll kill you myself." He laughs before patting me on the back. "Alright Greenie. Now come on help us carry these to the Homestead." I nod and pick up as many of the weapons as I could carry. "Oh yeah, Gally, I meant to ask. Have we got any small blades around here you could hide in your sleeve?" He nods gesturing to the supply shed. "Should have a couple. And even if we don't have enough, Fry's kitchen is stock full of knives and klunk." I nod opening the door to the Homestead. "Right thanks. I'll be back in a minute I need to go find Chuck." They nod and start deciding what groups would be best with which weapons.

"Teresa, is Chuck with you yet?"
"No not yet, why?"
"No reason, just need to talk to him. It's alright I'll go find him."

I walk past the Med-hut towards Fry's station. "Hey, Fry has Newt come by here?" He turns around before realising who it was. "Huh, oh hey Thomas. Yeah he came by a minute ago asking where Chuck was." I nod as he walks to the counter. "Know where they are?" He shrugs gesturing towards the Med-hut. "Roughly, they left going in that direction." I nod before pushing off the counter. "Thanks Fry." He waves for a second before going back to his work.

"Teresa, are you sure Chuck isn't there?"
"Has Newt come back in?"
"No why?"
"I can't find them. I needed to tell Chuck something but I can't find them."
"I'll come look... wait, it's okay they're here now."
"Right, gimme a second."

I walk into the Med-hut to see Chuck and Newt stood infront of Teresa. "Newt, where did you go? Fry said he saw you head in this direction but you walked past the hut apparently." He turns around after hearing my voice. "Sorry, Tommy. I was trying to find Jeff or Clint. Chuck cut his finger on one of the knives in Fry's kitchen. Just wanted to ask if they had any bandages they hadn't packed up yet." I felt the tension roll off me in waves as I pulled him into a hug. "Please don't do that again. Especially on days like this." He pulls away slowly. "Sorry Tommy." I shake my head, as I ruffle Chuck's hair. "It's alright, but you, Chuck, I literally came to find you to make sure you were careful. Anyway did they have any bandage?" Newt shook his head. "Nah, all packed up, luckily it stopped bleeding pretty quick cause it's not too deep." I nod before looking up at Teresa who was just smirking at me. "Slim it, Tee. Anyway, we should probably get to the Homestead Newt." Chuck perked up a bit. "Yes Chuck, you're coming too." He punched the air happily at Newt's words. I laugh as the two of them leave the room. I nudge Newt's shoulder with my own as we walk to the Homestead. "Thanks Newt." He looks over at me. "What for?" I smile at him before glancing at Teresa who was smirking at the two of us. "Just for being you." He laughs and nudges me back. "Well who else would I be Tommy?" I laugh as Teresa turns back to Chuck.

"Slim it Teresa."
"Hey, I'm only telling the truth."

Newt nudges my hand with his own grabbing my attention. "What did she say?" I look over to him to find him looking straight bacl at me. "Nothing, just teasing." He rolled his eyes but I'll pretend I didn't see the colour that started seeping onto his usually pale cheeks.  "Slim it Tommy." I laugh looking back at the two infront of us. "I didn't say anything." I saw him roll his eyes in the corner of my eye. "No but you thought it." I smirked and took my seat next to him as we got into the Homestead.

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