Chapter 21

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Newt's P.O.V~

As we sat in the Berg I took the time to count how many of us had made it. 36. Out of about 48 Gladers we had only lost 12. All though I felt sorry that we lost even that many, I felt a sick sort of happiness at the number we had saved. I looked around the Berg at everyone who made it. Minho and Alby were sat next to me and Tommy. Zart was sat in the corner. The Runner's other than the golden trio of idiots, were sat opposite Minho. The various other's that had made it out were sat close at the side of the Berg. I looked across from us to see Teresa and Chuck sat quietly, with Chuck almost falling asleep. It was only when I looked directly infront of me did my brain kick back in. Ben and Gally were sat infront of us. Both of them as close to each other as possible with both their eyes closed tears still brimming, threatning to spill.

Is that what it looked like after Tommy had killed me?

Is what happened in the facility what it looked like when he was trying to reason with me in The Last City?

I look down at Tommy, who was asleep curled up next to me pressed as close to me as possible.

Is that what he looked like after his fight with Janson? Covered in cuts and bruises covered in blood that both was and wasn't his own.

Is that what he looked like after his fight with me?

Is that what I looked like?

He curled into me more almost as if he could sense my distress even when he was asleep. I smiled slightly at the thought and brought my hand up to play with his hair. He lent into my touch so I continued to do it until he woke up. He sat up as best he could and I instantly missed the warmth but it wasn't gone for long as he pressed himself back against me and held onto my hand. He looked up at me sadly before starting to whisper. "I'm sorry Newt." I pull him into a hug gently. "Don't be. You did a good thing. Besides it's impposible for you to avoid getting hurt doing anything." He pulls away laughing silently before beggining to cough again.

Before I could do anything he passed out. I sat him up but when I pulled my hand back, it was sticky, I looked down to see it covered in blood. I lifted up his shirt too see that his stiches had opened. He had already lost so much blood in the last two days, this was too much. "Clint! Jeff!" They scampered over to me as fast as they could. "What the shuck happened?" I shake my head. "I don't know he just passed out." They look bewtween each other frantically before one of the soldiers speaks. "We'll be landing in about 4 minutes, if you can keep him alive they can heal him." I nodded quickly and turned back to the two of them. "What do we do?" Clint looks around frantically. "We need to stop the bleeding. Has anyone got any spare fabric we could press onto it?" They looked around before nodding to each other. They pulled his shirt over his head before pressing it against his stomach. "Newt, hold onto this, keep applying pressure to it." I nod and keep pushing down as we started decending.

The same soldier speaks again. "Another couple minutes." I roll my eyes slightly. Liar. You're gonna make us carry him to the facility, while your men fight of a group of Cranks. Sure enough not even ten seconds later we were landed and being pushed out of the Berg. I had already tied it around his waist knowing what would happen and asked Minho and Ben to hold him up. They nodded and pulled him through to the facility. They placed him down on the floor and I started pressing his shirt back in again. I hear footsteps cone towards us but don't bother looking up immediatley. "What are you doing?" I look up upon hearing his voice and see him looking down at me.

Before I can tell him what happened Tommy wakes up slightly. He doesn't say anything just lies there panting heavily. Janson shouts down the corridor for a doctor to get here immediatley. A few seconds later a WCKD doctor runs down the hall before looking at me and Tommy and gasping. He rushes forwards and goes to pick him up. I hover over him slightly reluctant to let anyone near him. "Please you need to let him help, the rest of you follow me please and you can see him when he's healed." I allow the Doctor to pick him up and stand up staring at him.

"Where he goes, I go."

Janson smiles at me forcefully. "Not very trusting are you? I promise you can see him when he's better." I step forwards staring at him angrily but trying not to give anything away causing the others to take a step back. "Where he goes, I go. He saved my life, he save Alby's life and he saved Minho's life. I am not leaving him alone." Alby steps forwards as more doctors rush towards Tommy. "We're not the most trusting of new people, but you can understand that right? We don't leave people alone. It's a sort of code we have." Janson smiles forcefully again. "Of course, well then if the rest of you would follow me please?" I smile at Alby thankfully as the doctors rush him into a medical room. Teresa stares after him before walking off with Chuck. Ben and Minho hold back for a second before staring at me. "Go, It'll be fine. You can eat the food just save some for us, and all they do today is give us rooms clean clothes and showers. You don't need us." They nod cautiously before following the group.

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