Chapter 9

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Thomas's P.O.V~

After Newt had finished explaining Gally and Ben looked up at me. "So? What's the plan Greenie?" I sigh softly before standing next to Newt. "We need you to trick the other Gladers into drinking honey water for tomorrow night instead of your moonshine." Ben looks at me and nods. But Gally just looks confused. "Why?" Ben snickers slightly and links their fingers together. "Cause we're escaping the morning after right?" I nod my head at him and look back to Gally who finally understood. "Right okay. Sure." I smile thankfully and go to leave. "Oh and Greenie. Thanks for saving Ben." I turn back around to see Gally actually smiling at me. "No problem. I always figured that's why you hated me before." He laughs and nods pointing at Newt. "Yeah, probably. It would be like if someone killed Newt here." I flinched at the mention of it and tried laughing it off. "Yeah I suppose it would be." I all but ran out of the Homestead towards the Deadheads.

Once I made it to the Deadheads I ran through them to where the walls meet and sat down. I can't believe I never thought of it. I took his equivalent of Newt away. I can't believe I never thought of it before. No wonder he hated me. If I was in his position I have no doubt that I would have hated him too. Especially considering I was a greenie when it happened. Second day out of the box and I was the reason he got banished. "Thomas! I know you're there!" Ben? What is he doing out here? "Thomas I don't resent you for what happened. Gally doesn't either. The other one might have but this one doesn't. Just let me talk to you okay? I'd rather not run around the Deadheads all day!" I stood up and walked towards where his voice was coming from. "Hey Ben." He looks at me and smiles softly. "Hey Thomas. I told Newt to let me come instead of him. Figured you might need someone to tell you that you're forgiven." I laugh softly before looking at him. "That and I'm a runner so I could find you faster before you did anything stupid. Newt knows you're still hurting about loosing him. From what he told us you killed him." I nodded slowly. "Yeah. I stabbed him he took his last breath in my arms, I can't shake the image of it. Or the look in his eyes when they finally cleared and he actually looked at me for the first time in weeks." He smiled and pulls me into a hug. "I'm not gonna say I understand because I don't. But I will say that you have a second chance. You can keep him alive this time." I nodded before realising something. How many other Gladers aren't immune. Obviously Ben isn't nor Winston but how many others. Alby? Chuck? "I need to go find Jeff and Clint. Tell Newt to come to the medjack hut as quick as he can." He agrees but before he can ask why I run out of the Deadheads. "I'll explain later!" I shout over my shoulder.

I ran as fast as I could to the Medjack hut to find Clint and Jeff inside as I hoped. "Everything okay Thomas?" I nodded quickly. "Yeah but I have a favour." Before I could explain Newt barged into the hut. "Please tell me you aren't thinking of doing something stupid." I shake my head. "I can't, cause it is stupid but it's neccessary." He sighs and looks at me. "What is it?" I pointed out the window not breaking eye contact. He seemed to understand immediatley. "Newt. How many of them aren't immune? How many of them will catch the flare like you did? Well?" He sighs and hangs his head. "I don't know Tommy. But they would have to take so much blood to make enough cure." I shake my head. "I don't care." I turn to Jeff and Clint. "If I tell you how to do it could you replicate a cure? Even a temporary one?" They share a look before nodding slowly. "Yes almost definitley. It probably won't be complete given what we have here but yes. Yes we could do it." I break eye contact with Newt to look at them. "Then do it." They look at Newt quickly who sighs and nods his head. "Just leave enough blood so he can live. If he starts passing out stop."

Jeff and Clint had set me on a hammock to rest after taking way too much blood than I should have let them. After half an hour Jeff and Clint walk back over to me. "We have enough serum for most of the Glade. Only a handful won't be able to get any. Do you know anyone who for sure was immune?" I nod my head thinking slowly. "Me obviously, Minho, Frypan, Teresa, Alby, you and Gally. That good?" He nods his head slowly. "You mean Jeff isn't immune?" I look into the back of the hut where Jeff and Newt are talking. "No. I'm sorry." He shakes his head. "It's alright. I know now and I can help him. But didn't you say this cure might not be permanent? What are we gonna do if it stops?" I look back to where Teresa is sleeping. "Well I watched Teresa make it originally. But if I can stop her betraying us she won't find out how to make it. However in the scorch there was an ex WCKD doctor. She knew how to make the proper cure so I'll get her to do it for us." He nods and calls Jeff and Newt into the room. "Hold out your arm." He does as he's told and is injected with the blue liquid. "What about you?" Clint shakes his head. "Don't need it apparently." He looks back at me. I sneak a look over to Newt to see him smiling sadly. I try to hold back a laugh but fail and see them all looking at me. "Sorry! No I wasn't laughing at you. I was laughing at the irony of it. All of the couples in the Glade consist of an immune and a non-immune. Me and Newt, you two, even Ben and Gally." The others laugh with me understanding the irony of it. "It's siblings aswell. My sister's immune aint she?" I nodded at him still chuckling softly. "Well aren't you the lucky one." He laughs punching my arm slightly. "Newt. We're gonna have to tell them. Med-jacks or not they aren't gonna just let them inject them with a blue liquid." Newt follows my gaze out the window. "You're right. But we should hold off doing it as long as possible." I nod looking back to him. "What about when the sky turns off? No that'll be too late to both prepare and inject everyone. How about tomorrow night? Call a meeting just before the bonfire." He chuckles lightly and taps my forehead. "I guess there is a brain up there after all Tommy." I gasped placing my hand over my heart. "Newt. I'm hurt." He scoffed grabbing my hand. "Slim it. Get some rest I'll bring you some food soon as I can." He goes to leave with Jeff and Clint but I pull him into a hug. "This will work won't it?" He pulls away slightly and pulls me into a kiss. "Yeah, Tommy it'll work. We'll make it work." I smile and give him a quick kiss before he pushes me onto the hammock. "Now go to sleep."

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