Chapter 19

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Thomas's P.O.V~

We set of as quick as we could into the Maze, following Minho leading us to the cliff. After running for a solid 10 minutes we appeared at the entrance of the Cliff. We stopped and waited for everyone to appear again. "Everyone here?" There are multiple murmurs coming from the group answering my question. I look around the edge quickly to see 2 Greivers. "Okay, there are two there, but they'll be slow. Teresa, Chuck and Newt, you three avoid engaging with them as best you can. Everyone that took a spear is not allowed to go down the Cliff until the others are down."  They all nod some throwing their weapons in the air as they charge down. The 10 of us rush forwards a couple Runners to each Griever with the remaining 4 protecting the rest from any stray swings.

Me, Minho and Ben were pushing our Glader out of the way to make a path for the three of them when Tim ran past us. I tried to reach out and grab him but I couldn't risk letting go. "Tim! No! Stop!" I watched helplessly again as he was sliced and thrown of the side. I watched in horror as a third Griever took it's place. I watched as the Griever spotted the Gladers behind me who were too scared to move. It didn't make a move so I stayed still. However it then caught sight of Newt, Teresa and Chuck who were stood to the side waiting for their chance to run. I saw it start moving towards them. "GALLY! SWITCH!" I slid my spear from the teeth of the one the three of us were holding back to allow Gally to take my place. I ran forwards throwing myself infront of the Griever before it could get hold of Chuck which seemed to be who it was aiming for. I threw my spear through it's head to grab it's attention. Once I had it I slid underneath it coming out infront of the three of them. As the Griever turned around I pulled my spear from it's head and held it out infront of me again. "You alright Chuck?" He nods quickly. "Trust me?" He nods again. "Then follow me okay? You two aswell." They hummed in response as I backed around the Griever. It roared at me and charged again. I wasn't fast enough to stop it, but I managed to jump out of the way, barely avoiding it's stinger. "JUMP NOW!" Teresa and Chuck nodded and jumped off the Cliff. Newt hovered for a second too long and the Griever got back up.

"Tom? Where's Newt?"
"I'm working on it Tee."

I stand up from where I was croutched and sprinted towards where Newt was stood. "Tommy no!" I managed to push him off the Cliff as the Griever brought it's tail down. I couldn't avoid it this time and got stung on my chest. "Thomas!" I stood up quickly. Jumping back from the Griever when it brought it's tail down for another attack. "I'm alright." Just as I go to stand up a spear flies over my head. I turn to find the owner to see Alby stood spearless a little behind me. I turn back to see the Galders once again too scared to move.

"Teresa has Newt put the code in yet?"
"Yeah, he's doing it now."
"Tell me as soon as you're through so I can start sending them down."

I turn back to Alby who is trying to grab his spear from the Grievers head. "Shuck. Can't reach it." I stand up and hold out my spear. "Think you can hold it off on your own?" He shrugs. "For a few seconds maybe yeah." I nod and hand it over. "That'll have to do." He looks at me confused. "What are you gonna do?" I point at the spear which is still lodged in the Grievers head. "What do you think I'm gonna do?" He takes the spear looking at me seriously. "You better not die. Newt will actually kill me." I nod before moving around to the side of it. He turns to face me as I do so. "Now!" Alby jabs the spear into it's side causing it to roar in pain. It lowers it's head for a second allowing me the chance to grab it. I manage to hold onto it but it doesn't come out or even loosen. "Shuck." Alby looks at me. "What Thomas?" I pull the spear again proving my point. "It's stuck. I can't get it out. Actually. Alby move back a second." He stares at me holding his spear ready to attack if need be. "Thomas? What are you planning?" I hold onto the spear as tight as I can and jump on it's back, with a little difficulty. "I can't pull it out, but that doesn't mean I can't push it." Alby stares at me for a second. "And if it doesn't work?" I shrug as the Griever starts getting up. "Simple I'll jump off. But seriously, you might want to step back. You guys too. I highly doubt this guy is gonna like what I'm about to do." The 6 holding down the Grievers give one last push against them and form a ring around the others. They manage to do this just as the Greiver manages to stand up. I plant my feet onto it's slimy back and push on the spear as hard as I can. The Griever yells in frustration and tries to throw me off. I plant my feet better move my hands to the top of the spear and throw it down into it's body, moving with it to give it extra force. It gives an ear piercing screech before collapsing under it's own weight. I finally manage to pull out the spear but before I can jump off and get a safe distance away one of the other two stings me from behind leaving the other to hit me with it's tail launching me across the path to land infront of Ben.

"Thomas?! Thomas?!" I feel Ben start to shake me slightly. "I'm fine I'm fine." Before I can say anything else, I start coughing violently and cough up a few specs of blood. "Bastard." I spit the blood out and go to stand up placing some of my weight onto the spear. "Oi, Thomas, get down the Cliff now!" I shake my head slowly. "No way." The  runners sigh and reform their formation. "You really are a shank." I laugh at him before looking at the other two. "You get used to it."

"Tom, doors are open, start sending them down."
"Right thanks Tee. Oh and tell Newt thanks aswell."
"Will do. See you soon Tom."

I look back at Minho as he holds his spear infront of him. "Doors open, we need to start sending them down before any others wake up." Minho nods. The 5 Runner's charge forwards with Gally taking my place again. I look into the crowd of Gladers who were now running down the path. Me and Alby tailed them to make sure they weren't hit. That was until the Grievers tore some of them apart with their tail or legs. I had to throw my arm out to stop Alby running out aswell. I did want to help them but I knew it was already too late. It makes me feel helpless though, knowledge of the future on my side and still I can't save everyone.

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding as the rest of them jumped safely.

"Teresa, they're on their way now."
"Got it."

I look back up at Alby. "I'm sorry. Alby. I really am." He shakes his head and turns to the Grievers that The 6 were still just about managing to hold back. "You can apoligise by getting everyone else out of here." I nod and turn my back to him raising my spear at the other Griever. "You got it." I look at the one I was facing. "Minho, what do you want me to do?" He looks up at me quickly. "You got the strength to push it off?" I nod quickly. "Yeah, gimme the signal and I'll get on it." He nods again. "Just push as soon we're all out from underneath this blastet thing. "Got it." Ben, Gally and Minho pull away as quickly as possible. Once they do I only wait for about half a second to kick it with all my might off of the Cliff. "Alby how's yours looking?" He picked up the spear and aimed it. The Griever must have realised what happened to the other two because it shook off the three runners and spun sending it's tail flying for Alby. "Watch out!" I barely had enough time to pull him back and avoid the tail so I only managed one part. As I pulled Alby down and out of reach the Grievers tail whacked me in the chest and sends me once again flying across the path. I sat up slightly leaning on my hand, coughing up splatters of blood into the other. "Would you stop that you shank?!" Minho and Ben look between each other and then at Gally. The next thing I know tbe three of them have sent the last Griever tumbling off the Cliff. The two of them lean down to help pick me up. "In case you haven't gathered it's something I don't do very often." They both sigh and help me to the Cliff. "And how are we to explain this to Newt?" Before I can even think of an answer the two have thrown me down the whole.

The smell of oil burns my nose once again as I slide down into the WCKD facility. To see a bunch of Gladers trying to calm Newt down. I land with a thump and crawl out of the way of the pipe before I start coughing again. "Tommy!" He pushes past the Gladers with some diffculty and makes is way over to me. "Tommy!" He slides across the floor and kneels infront of me. "Tommy what the shuck were you thinking?!" The rest of them jump down the hole pulling Newt away slightly. "Newt, please calm down. He's been stung twice and thrown across the path don't make it any worse." Newt does a double take and turns back to me. "Twice?" Minho picks me up and helps me stand. I nod sheepishly as Minho walks me across the other side of the facility, where the exit is. "How did you manage to get stung, not just once, but twice?" I look over to Alby slightly before looking back at him. "The first was when I pushed you down the Cliff. The second was after I killed the Griever that tried to kill you three." He sighs and walks over to the other side of me and slings my arm over his shoulder. "You are such a shuck face Tommy." I nodded sightly before Gally cuaght our attention. We turned around to see him pointing a gun at me. Not that it would hit me if he fired but so it looks like he's going to shoot me.

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