The Chase

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Matt's P.O.V

I'm on Lucs' heels trying my hardest to keep up with her she was so fast. I had to catch her. I needs to explain to her that it's not what she thought .I'm mean I know I fucking lied but it's not that bad.

I was shoulders length from Luc and I fucking trip over a crack in the street the kind that makes the street uneven. I curse at myself mentally and keep running after Luc . I don't know why she had to be dramatic and run I mean I know I fucked up but c'mon my legs fucking burn.

Luc P.O.V

As soon as I looked over to find Matt by the bushes I had to run.

I couldn't stand for him to see my crying . I took off into oblivion okay maybe that's a bit much but you get it. All I could see were the background lights of the noon streets of the city . I couldn't stand running away .

This reminded me of how I ran away after I stabbed that piece of shit with a fork. Normally I would laugh at this memory at how I felt a pulse of adrenaline rushing through me. I couldn't laugh this time because I was running in defeat and disappointment .

I started to get tired more from my endless thoughts than the actual fact that I've been running for 6 blocks straight not bothering to stop in case Matt was actually following me. Sometimes I think I assume people care about me . No one could care about me . I was dumb enough to rush things with a boy I've only met 3 weeks ago. I thought everything would be okay. I always rush things and try to hard.

My thoughts began to cloud my vision because I only started to cry more. I ran straight into a light pole .

"FUCK!!" was the only word my mind could articulate. I stopped only for a second but from a distance I could see Matt still chasing after me.

I don't get it, you lie to me and hurt me but now you want to chase me as if I mean the world to you. I don't fucking think so. I picked up my speed as if I was running in a race and this time I made sure not to crash into anything .

Matt's P.O.V

I saw Luc crash into the light pole so I picked up my speed despite the burning ache in my legs. I saw her turn around and I felt like she was a distant prey running from its predator . I thought this time I would catch her for sure . When I was almost close enough to scream her name she dashed off like a marathon runner . Pissed me off a little but I just picked up my speed even faster.

By the time I actually reached the light pole my legs started to feel like jelly and I was giving in. I couldn't run anymore but the last thing I want is for Luc to turn around and think I gave up on her . I was really trying my hardest to show Luc she is different not a random fling as I thought she would be when I saw her in the diner that morning.

****(flash back to Matt's P.O.V)

I walked into the diner I haven't visited since the last time I came to the city . I took my usual seat which surprisingly wasn't taken already. The diner was always packed .

A waitress comes over and asks for my order.

"A cup of coffee would be fine " I said casually not making contact with the waitress at all. My eyes weren't focused on her , they were focused on the situation happening across the diner.

"You heard me bitch. I said is that fat ass slowing you down?!"

What a fucking asswipe . Just because someone is a waitress doesn't mean they have to cater to you individually , people come and go all day you're not fucking special .

I turned to look to the kitchen because I never received my coffee, that was fine because the next thing that happened made me forget instantly .

The fucking ass hole smacked her behind . I stood up and made my way

Over to the guy to make him choke on his teeth but the waitress defended herself and stabbed the grease ball with a near by fork . An instant grin placed across my face .

I came closer to praise the girl but she was already making her way dashing to the door.

Guys thee is gonna be another update today just later on in the day so don't be weary I got this 😁😁

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