Chapter 3- Come Alive

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You and Lettie stand in the huddle of new acts all ready to find out what you will be doing.

"So I want all the ladies from Hazel to Adi to space yourselves out." Mr Barnum says.

You all take your position and you suddenly become aware that two harsh eyes are burning into the back of your skull. You turn around and see Hazel glaring at you.

"Perfect, now from 'come one, come all'" Barnum instructs.

"Come one! Come all! Come in! Come on!" everybody sings.

"To anyone who's bursting with a dream." you sing perfectly.

"That was perfect well done Adi! Everybody remember strong voices, passion and really exaggerated movements when you dance!" Barnum announces.

You smile and Hazel's eyes burn harshly into your skull once again.

"Once again from the beginning!" he says.

"You stumble through your days. Got your head hung low. Your skies' a shade of grey. Like a zombie in a maze. You're asleep inside. But you can shake away." he starts.

A scream ripples through the Museum. You turn your head and a woman with copper brown hair starts to fall down the rigging by the lights. You gasp and rush over and grab her a few seconds before she hits the ground. She look up at you gratefully. Barnum looks at you and smiles.

"Miss Poole, you just saved Penny Lohan's life, she's my niece. My brother's daughter," he smiled, "I'd like to reward you. You are now my personal assistant. But it's not all getting me water and shining my shoes, you'll get to go to VIP events and other things. A simple token of gratitude for saving Penny's life." Barnum smiled.

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