Chapter 4- New protégé

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You sit in Barnum's office with your notepad in front of you. Today you will help the famous P.T. Barnum choose his new protégé to help him when you rehearse.

"Preferably some-one high up in society so they can help boost funds whenever we need help." you remember him winking at you.

You have a list of names in front of you, four altogether:

Aedan Sinclair

Francis Stratburn

Quentin Van der Marten

Phillip Carlyle

You read the list again and think they all sound like snobs. But, then again Mother said "To never judge a bird by it's call," meaning the bird could have an awful call but be truly beautiful to look at.

First Mr Sinclair.

A slightly bow-legged man made his way to the office and sat down.

"Minister Theodore Sinclair at your service." he said in a sore-sounding whisper.

"So why do you want to become my protégé?" Mr Barnum asked.

"Protégé? Protégé? Bianca said nothing about being a protégé to you sir!" he rasps and points a bony finger at Mr Barnum. "What is she doing in here? A woman has no place in an office!"

Angrily, you rise to your feet. Barnum signals for you to sit.

"Firstly yes Mr Sinclair you would have to be my protégé. That's what the poster entailed! Secondly, how dare you speak to my assistant like that!? She can probably outsmart a man any day. Get out!" he yells.

Mr Sinclair rises to his feet and mutters something foul under his breath. He storms out, but trips over the waste-basket you told Lettie not to empty. He stares at you and leaves.

You place a large cross next to his name.

Theodore Sinclair x

"Francis Stratburn." you call.

A man with carrot red hair rushes in, nearly tripping over his own feet.

"So sorry." he mumbles with a thick Irish accent.

"So why do you want to be my protégé?" he asks once again.

"Well I've always loved the circus!" he exclaims.

He suddenly looks over at you and smiles.

"Hey sweetheart what's your name? Maybe we can get some food?" he asks.

You stare at Barnum.

"Ok Mr Stratburn, I think we've heard enough.

Francis Stratburn X

"Quentin Van der Marten." Barnum calls.

A young man with shiny, black hair and a tight, brown suit walks in.

"Why do you want to be my protégé?" he asks.

"I don't. My wife Emmeline said it would be 'good for me'. She says I need to 'interact more with the lower classes.' Oh and I'll get $200 if I get the position."

You stand up and whisper in Barnum's ear.

"We can't have him if all he wants is his wife's $200." you whisper.

"I agree, cross him immediately!" he whispers back.

Then he turns to Mr Van der Marten and says "OK Mr Van der Marten! We'll get back to you."

He nods and walks out.

Quentin Van der Marten X

"Phillip Carlyle." you call.

No answer.

You go outside. He's not there.

"Wait! I forgot, we're supposed to be meeting Mr Carlyle at Presto's bar." he squeaks.

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