Chapter 10 - Oh, I Know

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I rush out of the room, another wave of sickness hits me and I puke my guts up for the second time today. Being pregnant sucks.

"Phillip? If I'm pregnant do we have to get married before I start to show?" I ask in a croaky voice because of all the sick.

He nods. "If you are not a married woman when you give birth, the baby will be taken away from us."

"When should we do it for then?"

"So you're only a few weeks pregnant, you won't show for ages, but we should do it soon," I nod in agreement. "So maybe next month?"

"Yeah let's go home and draw up a brief plan." and with that we go home.

Our wedding
Place: Newcastle, England.
Colour scheme: White and blue.
Bridesmaids: Lettie Lutz and Veronica Hargrave.
Best man: P.T. Barnum
Ring bearer: Tom Thumb.
DATE: Friday 16th December!

The list was finished. I smiled, he'd written Newcastle for the location, I was born and raised in Newcastle.

"How'd we get to Newcastle?" he asked.

"Boat to Liverpool then a train over." I answered.

He nodded and kissed me. "That's why love you, you're so intelligent and independent."

I just smile, "Oh, I know."

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