Chapter 10 - Are You Sure?

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It's been four weeks since the fire and Phillip's burns have fully healed and with the 10% revenue he was getting for every show, we managed to buy a circus tent! The shows are even bigger and better than in the museum.

I'm changing into my costume when a wave of sickness hits me like a brick wall. I have to puke. I rush to the toilets and puke my guts up.

"I'm sorry Adi but I'm afraid I have to take you off today's show." Barnum sighs.

"No. Sir I'll be fine! I have to be out there, performing."

"No Adi. You need to be in hospital. Be careful. Please." and with that he walks away.

I walk out sighing and Phil grabs my hand and leads me to his coach. After a few minutes the massive sign at the hospital's entrance looms into view.


Phillip leads me to the desk. "Miss Poole here to see Nurse Maddens. " the receptionist nods and leads us to a room.

NURSE E. MADDENS- MIDWIFE. The sign on the door says. Midwife?

I sit down and she reads through my symptoms.

Adi Poole--reported symptoms
Nausea, expecially during the morning.
Unusual food habits/ cravings.
Unusual thirst.
Needing to go to the toilet more.

"Were going to need you to supply an urine sample so we can run a few tests. " she says.

Two minutes later and I bring the sample back. She dips a piece of paper into the wee. It turns blue.

"Miss Poole have you been trying for a baby?" she asks.

"No I haven't, why?" I ask.

"Well, you're pregnant." she says.

"If we haven't been trying for a baby, how am I pregnant?" I ask bewildered.

"Just one of nature's many wonders." she shrugs.

"Are you sure?" I breathe.

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